Senior citizen group plans attacks on Roy Herron

By: Chas Sisk
Published on August 3, 2010 in Election, National, Politics and State

The 60 Plus Asso­ci­a­tion, a group for senior cit­i­zens that bills itself as the con­ser­v­a­tive alter­na­tive to the AARP (national spokesman: Pat Boone), says it’s plan­ning to spend the strangely spe­cific sum of $221,636 on issue ads attack­ing state Sen. Roy Her­ron, the expected Demo­c­ra­tic nom­i­nee to rep­re­sent the 8th Con­gres­sional Dis­trict. The ads will start run­ning the day after the pri­mary, Fri­day, Aug. 6.

“A sup­porter of Ten­nCare and a career politi­cian, Roy Her­ron will only serve to sup­port Pelosi’s big gov­ern­ment agenda, rather than lis­ten­ing to Tennesseans.”

Three Repub­li­cans are vying for their party’s nom­i­na­tion in what’s so far been the nation’s most expen­sive House race.

Com­plete 60 Plus presser follows:

60 Plus Targets  Herron’s Record with Nearly $250,000 in TN-08 Ads


JACKSON, TN – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today announced it will spend $241,636 on issue ads in Tennessee’s Eighth Congressional District.

“Tennessee seniors are enraged,” said Jim Martin, Chairman of 60 Plus.  “President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and other liberal politicians tried to sell health reform as an overall cost savings, but in reality they simply cut care, cut choice, and cut quality for America’s Greatest Generation.

A supporter of TennCare and a career politician, Roy Herron will only serve to support Pelosi’s big government agenda, rather than listening to Tennesseans.”

Featuring voices from Middle and Western, Tennessee, the 30-second ad will begin airing on August 6 in Memphis, Nashville, and Jackson.


The 60 Plus Association is an 18-year-old nonpartisan organization working for death tax repeal, saving Social Security, affordable prescription drugs, lowering energy costs and other issues featuring a less government, less taxes approach as well as a strict adherence to the Constitution.  60 Plus calls on support from nearly 5.5 million citizen activists.  60 Plus publishes a magazine, SENIOR VOICE, and a Scorecard, bestowing awards on lawmakers of both parties who vote “pro-senior.”   60 Plus has been called, “an increasingly influential senior citizen’s group” and since 1992 “the conservative alternative to the AARP.”

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