Dear Senators Scott and Rubio:
On behalf of more than five million senior supporters of 60 Plus, the American Association of Senior Citizens, we are writing in support of the Senior Citizens’ Freedom to Work Act, S.3101, that repeals the Social Security Retirement Earnings Test (RET). This bill would eliminate the Retirement Earnings Test (RET), a penalty on Social Security Old- Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) beneficiaries who choose to enter, remain in, or return to the labor force. The RET penalty primarily affects younger seniors who choose to work after claiming Social Security benefits.
Our retirement system is made up of a combination of public and private plans that work to help Americans prepare for their golden years. While great strides have been made in the past decade in helping future retirees prepare for their next chapter of life, gaps still remain in the system and folks are still having a hard time saving for retirement.
Your legislation will eliminate the RET and empower seniors by giving them the freedom to choose when they are ready to leave the workforce as well as giving them peace of mind knowing that their retirement is secure. It’s really unfathomable that Older Americans who stay on the job or return to work after claiming Social Security have their benefits reduced or delayed. Our economy depends on encouraging work, not penalizing it. By eliminating an unnecessary Social Security penalty working seniors will get full benefits they’re counting on and rightfully deserve.
This legislation is trying to right a wrong and we applaud your efforts and stand ready to assist you by alerting our supporters of the importance of this legislation and will be encouraging them to let their support be known by asking their Members to work with you. Thank you both for your dedication and commitment to seniors nationwide.

James L. Martin
60 Plus Association

Saulius “Saul” Anuzis
60 Plus Association