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60 Plus Takes Fight Against Obamacare to the Airwaves
Holding fast to the truism that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, 60 Plus has launched yet another round of TV ads to stop the budget-busting, anti-senior citizen healthcare reform bill in its tracks.
The $2 million advertising campaign targets nine U.S. Senators (in Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota) to remind them to do the right thing and OPPOSE Obamacare when it comes up for a vote in the coming weeks.
While the ad buy is sizable, it will be money well-spent if it helps stop debate on a bill that will shoulder today’s seniors and future generations with trillions in new debt and taxes. The ad puts the “60 Plus Nine” on notice that senior citizens “won’t forget” their vote come election time if they for this “Devastating” bill.
View 60 Plus ad “Devastating” at
Media coverage has been extensive, read some of the coverage here:
- CNN: New $2 million health care ad campaign unveiled
- MSNBC: Read here
- The Atlantic: Health care ad wards; lots of tv in a few swing districts
- Congressional Quarterly: 60 Plus Association targets nine senators
AARP Approval Ratings Plummet After Abandoning Seniors
It’s official, the AARP has clearly and unequivocally planted its flag in the camp against senior citizens by giving its official endorsement of the Obama-Reid-Pelosi healthcare reform legislation.
This comes just a few months after President Obama publicly stated he had the backing and endorsement of AARP for his healthcare plan, a comment that caused an immediate backlash resulting in a denial from the mammoth organization.
With the endorsement now official, 60 Plus President Jim Martin remarked his lack of surprise that an organization addicted to financial support from the federal government would side with their benefactors against the interests of the seniors they claim to represent.
“Obamacare doesn’t make sense to seniors at 60 Plus, but AARP’s endorsement makes a lot of ‘cents’ to AARP and their corporate bottom line. Clearly the AARP is a FOR-Profit masquerading as a non-profit,” said Martin.
Also not surprising – new poll numbers from Rasmussen show that the percentage of Americans that hold a favorable view of AARP (just 53%) – falls ten points when informed the group has endorsed the Obama healthcare plan.
Ironically the worst poll numbers for AARP come from Americans 50 and older; less than half have a favorable view of them. Among the 50-64 age group, AARP is seen as unfavorable by 59%.
Perhaps this is why nearly 70,000 members have quit the AARP since the summer, and phones at 60 Plus are ringing non-stop from older Americans looking to join an organization that truly represents their interests.
As Senator John McCain said on the floor of the Senate, now is the time for seniors to make their voice heard and cut up your AARP card!
We couldn’t agree more.
This is the Medicine Washington is Prescribing? Facts on Obamacare
From the office of Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) – a true hero for seniors and sensible healthcare reform – some sobering facts on the current healthcare legislation now being debated on Capitol Hill:
- Spending: The cost of the bill is $2.5 trillion over 10 years.
- Tax increases: Taxes will go up $493.6 billion – nearly half a trillion in new debt.
- Medicare cuts: Medicare will be cut – conservatively – by $464.6 billion, another half a trillion dollars (note: some estimates say it cuts could be as high as $600 billion).
- Total number of pages: 2074.
Washington Post: Obamacare Hurts Seniors
Though we may sound like a broken record on sounding the call to protect Medicare from massive cuts, its nice that 60 Plus’ message is receiving some corroboration from unexpected places; this time the Washington Post.
In a November article the Post reported:
“A plan to slash more than $500 billion from future Medicare spending – one of the biggest sources of funding for President Obama’s proposed overhaul of the nation’s health-care system – would sharply reduce benefits for some senior citizens and could jeopardize access to care for millions of others, according to a government evaluation released Saturday.”
While we appreciate the Post’s honest reporting in this instance, the question must be asked; did anyone really need to commission a report to figure out that cutting more than half a trillion dollars from Medicare would hurt the program?
60Plus On the Streets and In the News
The past month has been a virtual – and literal – whirlwind for 60 Plus as we have taken our message to protect seniors and oppose Obamacare to townhalls and Capital buildings around the nation.
60 Plus President Jim Martin was joined by best-selling author and Fox News political analyst Dick Morris and a cast of thousands of regular citizens for a bus tour of Arkansas with stops in dozens of locations.
Dubbed the “Get Your Hands off My Healthcare” bus, thousands came out at rallies and protests around the state to send a message to Sen. Blanche Lincoln that “we won’t forget” her vote against restoring Medicare cuts to the healthcare bill.
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Join the Fight!
60 Plus has been spreading the message on behalf of our nation’s seniors and conservative values for almost two decades, but we can’t remember a time when so much was at stake both for our families and the future of America.
Big-government liberal activists have never had more power over our lives, our freedoms, and yes, our healthcare than they do now, and as they’ve shown since the moment they took power in Washington 11 months ago, they plan to use it for all its worth!
Now is NOT the time to stand on the sidelines. The direction of the greatest nation on the face of the earth is in YOUR hands, and what America looks like ten, twenty, thirty years down the road will be determined by what we do TODAY!
We at 60 Plus urge you to join the fight, make your voice heard, and strengthen our hand as we battle the horrendous and misguided policies of the liberal elite. Join 60 Plus today, become a member, make a contribution, and send a message to Washington they can’t take our freedom – and the freedom of future generations – away!