Jim Martin, “True cost in dollars and lives will never be known, and best if we don’t find out.“
(Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization, responded to new cost estimates issued late yesterday from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projecting the 10-year price tag of Obamacare at $1.76 trillion, more than 82% above the $940 billion figure President Obama and Congressional Democrats forecast it would cost when signed into law:
“Another day, another disturbing revelation regarding President Obama’s failed and disastrous health care law. The President who has created the most debt of any individual in history, $5 trillion the past three years alone, has left us with a ticking time bomb that runs 82% over budget, will add trillions more to our debt than he promised, and all before it has been fully enacted.
“America couldn’t afford Obamacare before, and we certainly can’t afford it now that we see it will cost an additional $820 billion. We have said for years that Democrats were hiding the true cost of this mammoth entitlement, that it would cost trillions of dollars , weigh down our economy, and jeopardize the healthcare of every senior and non-senior alike. As the CBO numbers demonstrate, once again we were right.
“It is mind-boggling that we would allow our health care system to be designed and controlled by the inept politicians and bureaucrats who created this law. Time and again Obamacare has broken every promise offered by its supporters. They said people wouldn’t lose coverage. Untrue. They said premiums would go down. Untrue. They said the cost would be under a trillion dollars and help bring the deficit down. Untrue again. Where is the accountability?
“Right now we are engaged in a bi-partisan effort on Capitol Hill to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which will slash Medicare , lead to rationing, and hurt seniors. When supporters of IPAB claim it will strengthen Medicare, remember their track record so far. It is time to repeal Obamacare and IPAB now, before it’s too late.”