Seniors Support Effort to Repeal Obamacare Mandate

Americans prep for ‘sticker shock’ as insurance premiums continue to skyrocket.

(Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s acknowledged conservative alternative to the liberal AARP with over 7.2 million senior supporters, today offered his enthusiastic support for legislation proposed in the U.S. Senate to repeal the individual mandate portion of Obamacare.

Spearheaded by Utah Senator Orrin Hatch (R), the ‘American Liberty Restoration Act’ seeks to erase the individual mandate requirement of the ‘Affordable Care Act’ (ACA) that forces Americans to purchase health insurance or face a tax increase.

Said Martin, “With healthcare becoming less and less affordable since its passage, the Affordable Care remains one of the most ironically named laws of all time.  Seniors are still of the overwhelming belief that the law remains out of step with the values of our nation’s founding principle of individual liberty, and as a practical matter the ACA is just plain bad medicine.  Yes repeal has been proposed and voted on in the past, but seniors will remain as tenacious for this bill’s repeal as its proponents were for its creation.

“By every measure the law has failed to live up to its billing.  It has not lowered costs but raised them, and it has not made Americans more secure but less secure in their healthcare future.  Companies are dumping people from their healthcare plans in a mad scramble to keep up with costs, and severe cuts in Medicare are just around the corner.  With so much already going wrong with a law that literally affects the life and death of millions of Americans, it’s common sense to put the brakes on its implementation before irreparable harm is done to our healthcare system.

“Americans are facing sticker shock as insurance rates skyrocket, and millions stand to lose their health insurance, their jobs, or both.  Mr. President, your healthcare remedy is making America sicker and increasingly frightened about what’s around the corner.  Your law has failed every early test and it is time we seek out common sense solutions that address the weaknesses in our healthcare system without shackling America with a bad law that makes things worse.”
