Seniors Remembered in November

Jim Martin: The question of whether Obamacare covered Democrats’ selective amnesia was answered loud and clear by the voters Tuesday.

(Alexandria, VA) – America’s political landscape was walloped with its second tsunami in four years as seniors voting in large numbers rejected dozens of pro-Obamacare lawmakers and rewarded Republicans with control of both Houses of Congress for the first time since 2006.

The election results brought a statement from 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest center-right seniors organization with over 7.2 million senior supporters:

“The American people spoke with a loud and unified voice,” said Martin. “They’ve had it with government that takes away their doctors, taxes them to death, buries them in debt, ignores their values and destroys the dreams they hold for their children and grandchildren. And yesterday they did something about it.

“Democrats tried to hide from their record, they ignored their broken promises, they employed a selective amnesia in the hope that their policies, their actions, and the very votes they cast on the floor of Congress would be forgotten. Well, seniors living through the horror of Obamacare, skyrocketing energy prices, and the spectacle of continually seeing their Social Security and Medicare treated as nothing more than a political football kept their word and went to the polls.

“On behalf of the tens of millions of seniors who were deliberately targeted and harmed by the Obama Administration and their lap dogs on Capitol Hill, I want to thank the brave candidates who took on the challenge of changing the direction of this blessed nation. You stood for us and as you take the reins of leadership in Washington know that we will stand with you.”
