Introduces Free Speech Fairness Act, H.R. 837
Washington, DC (May 18, 2021) –Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA-1) has earned a Legislator of the Month Award from 60 Plus, the American Association of Senior Citizens.
At a ceremony on Capitol Hill where Rep. Scalise received the award 60 Plus President Saul Anuzis said, “On behalf of more than five million senior citizen supporters we commend Congressman Scalise for introducing the Free Speech Fairness Act, H.R. 837. This legislation allows a tax-exempt organization to make certain statements related to a political campaign without losing its tax-exempt status.”
60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin added, “Our right to free speech under the First Amendment is what makes the American people the freest in the world. No one should be restricted from speaking freely about the issues that affect us simply because of the job they hold.”
Our right to free speech under the First Amendment is what makes the American people the freest in the world. No one should be restricted from speaking freely about the issues that affect them or any other American simply because of the job they hold.”
Anuzis added, “After more than 60 years of the IRS’s discriminatory ‘Johnson Amendment’ has unfairly prohibited religious leaders and other employees of 501 (c) 3 organizations. Your legislation is needed now more than ever, we stand with you and are firmly committed in protecting our right to freedom of speech and to safely express one’s viewpoint,” concluded Anuzis.
“The award is presented to Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate who are a proven leader on community issues, and we are pleased to present this award to Congressman Scalise who is someone our communitiescan definitely count on,” Martin concluded.