Will Democrats Fool us Again?: Where are the moderates? Two moderates out of 50 Democrats in the Senate, a few more out of over 200 in the House? Today’s Democratic Party is run by a bunch of left-wing progressives who want flip America on its head and create a socialist state…one that has never survived, thrived or existed in the world.
And Biden, he lied. He said he would govern as a moderate, bring together both sides, & create a bipartisan environment. But he hasn’t. He lied and isn’t even trying. He and his handlers now have created a Border Crisis, A Debt Bomb, A Disastrous Afghanistan Retreat, Armed our Enemies and continue to put Critical Race Theory, Masking our Children and weaponizing the Justice Department against parents who speak out at School Board Meetings.
This is NOT my parents Democratic party…they have gone off the deep end.
Illegal Immigration is Crazy : Biden’s Border Crisis is out of control. Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are flooding into the United States. NO vaccines. NO testing. NO papers. NO income.
These folks are going to be a huge burden on EVERY American taxpayer. We have a robust and fair immigration process. Use it.
We must control our borders. We can’t afford to take in every person in the world who wants to live here. There must be some sanity to this process.
Democrats and Biden are creating a crisis that American taxpayers, local schools, hospitals, and cities are going to have to live with for decades to come.
Elections have consequences.
Show Me the Beef: Biden and the Democrats are now saying the $3.5 Trillion NEW spending bill will cost us “zero.” Really???
They said they will tax the rich and corporations? OK, put up a bill, tie bar it to the spending bill and show us it will cost nothing?
It’s a lie. It’s a shell game at best. The Democrats and Biden are creating a fiscal crisis as bad as the one they have created on our borders.
Wake up America. Ask your neighbor how this works? How can we afford it? Is this what they voted for?
–Saul Anuzis
Click Here for Past Commentary from Saul
60 Plus Weekly Video Rewind
In this week’s video rewind- AARP is not what people think it is, HR3 would kill drug innovation & drive prices higher, and Biden ripped for fake White House movie set!

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The American People Are Rejecting A President Too Weak To Take On The Radicals In His Own Party
President Joe Biden’s poll numbers are tanking, especially among independent voters. The American people do not like weak leaders, and they do not like the craziness that’s infiltrating their daily lives.
Biden campaigned as someone who could bring the country together. Since taking office, he’s made no effort to do that. Instead, he has continually conceded to his party’s far-left wing, which is growing crazier by the day. It’s not clear if Biden is just too weak to take them on or if he is buying into their craziness, but either way, people are not happy. The Democrats are somehow making the Republicans seem appealing again to your average non-politically aligned voter. Given the current disarray in the Republican Party, this was a tall task. It’s almost as if the two parties are competing to see who can turn off the middle more. This week, the Democrats are in the lead. Their policies are so crazy not even their allies in the dominant corporate media can succeed in selling them.
First, the numbers: Quinnipiac University is a major polling outlet not known for a bias. In their latest poll, Biden’s overall job approval has plummeted down to 38% from highs in the mid-50s earlier in his presidency. Things look even worse for Biden when you look at the complete collapse of his support from political independents, who now disapprove of him by a 60%-to-32% margin.
It gets worse yet again when you look at key issues independent voters really care about. On the economy, Biden’s underwater by 28 points. On taxes, by 30. On immigration overall, Biden is down 48 points among independents with only 22% approving, versus 70% disapproving. On Mexican border matters, it’s even worse, with a net negative of 55%. Sixty-three percent of independents don’t think Biden is a good leader, versus only 34% who do. Finally, only 35% of independents think the Biden administration has been competent running the government, versus a whopping 62% who think they are incompetent.
It’s not a pretty picture.
Florida mother gets raucous standing ovation after calling for ‘mass exodus’ from public schools
A Florida mother is making headlines after calling for a “mass exodus” from the public school system, according to a Fox News report.
What are the details?
Quisha King, who works with Moms for Liberty, received a standing ovation for her fiery remarks, which she delivered during a Thursday panel event at the Family Research Council’s annual Pray Vote Stand Summit.
The panel, “Fighting Indoctrination on a National Scale,” saw King admit to a previous obsession with race.
“Right after the 2016 election, I started to pay more attention to politics and God spoke to my heart and told me that my skin color had become an idol in my life,” she said. “And that was life-changing, because it was so true. I saw everything through being black, and that was an offense to God, and I had to examine everything that I was doing.”
King added that she had a rude wake-up call when her daughter came home from her first week of eighth grade and revealed that she was asked “what pronoun she wanted to be identified by.”
Texas braces for surge of 60,000 Haitian migrants
State officials are bracing for what could be the largest surge of migrants ever to attempt to enter the country illegally from Mexico, weeks after thousands of Haitians did so.
While border security falls under the federal government’s responsibility, the Biden administration has significantly reined in the Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This has resulted in fewer deportations and many people being released into the United States after illegally crossing the border, potentially incentivizing more illegal migration. Overwhelmed Border Patrol agents have been pulled from the border to process people in custody, leaving the border unguarded in many regions.
Texas government and law enforcement leaders have stepped up efforts to make up for the federal government’s absence, and leaders spent the weekend preparing for a possible rush of more than 60,000 Haitian migrants. Most of the Haitians have traveled from South America to cross the border rather than traveling to a port of entry.
The number of Haitian migrants headed to the U.S. could be four times the size of the group that made it across in Del Rio last month, leading to chaos as 15,000 people camped out under an international bridge waiting to be taken into federal custody.
70% of Americans say they WON’T support Biden’s $3.5T plan
-Voters say they would be less likely to back President Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending plans if they led to higher taxes, according to new poll
-Trafalgar poll for conservative Convention of States Action asked more than 1000 likely general election voters about the plans
-A majority said they did not want to see anything that increased their taxes or the national debt
-The White House has said that only the nation’s wealthiest face higher tax bills
-Biden travels to Michigan on Tuesday to sell his Build Back Better agenda
More than 70 percent of Americans say they would be less likely to back President Biden’s signature $3.5 spending plan if it meant higher taxes, according to a poll published on Monday for a conservative campaign group.
The White House insists only the wealthiest Americans and the nation’s biggest companies face bigger tax bills under the Build Back Better plan.
But the findings show the fine line Biden must tread with his overhaul of public spending already stalled by party infighting.
But the findings show the fine line Biden must tread with his overhaul of public spending already stalled by party infighting.
‘Independents and Republicans oppose this bill by huge majorities, as do fully half of Democrats,’ said Mark Meckler, president of the Convention of States Action, which commissioned the poll.
‘Almost nobody supports Biden’s runaway spending spree, and folks are outraged that — with everything else they’ve had to endure with this failed presidency — increasing taxes and adding to our astronomical debt are actually on the table.’
The survey of more than 1000 likely general election voters by Trafalgar, a Republican-leaning firm, found that 71.5 percent took a negative view of Biden’s plans if they ‘knew it increases taxes and the national debt.’
Who pays for the woke agenda?
During the Trump administration, Republicans passed one of the biggest tax cuts in history and the greatest regulatory relief ever. The result was the biggest economic expansion in our lifetimes. Before the lockdown Left took a wrecking ball to our economy, people were prospering with the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, the lowest poverty rate in 60 years, and the fastest wage growth in 40 years. For the first time in decades, the income gap was narrowing.
President Joe Biden and the Democrats have reversed these policies with reckless abandon. It is no coincidence that real wages have declined every single month since he took office.
History is crystal clear on this point: No country has ever taxed, spent, and borrowed its way to prosperity — but many have done so to their ruin.
Brian Riedl, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, tallied up the total cost of the Democrats’ new spending bills for the New York Post and estimates $8 trillion of new spending over the next 10 years — about $60,000 per family. Biden and the Democrats tell us this won’t cost you a penny. It will all be paid by somebody else.
ere is the dirty little secret of government spending: Government cannot put a dollar into the economy that it hasn’t first taken out of the same economy. Every dollar it gives you it must take from you, and there are only three ways to do it: current taxes, which rob you of your current purchasing power; borrowing, which robs you of your future purchasing power; or printing money, which robs you every time you go shopping by reducing the value of your earnings while it silently hollows out your savings and retirement funds.
And don’t fall for the lie that their taxes will only fall on businesses. Businesses don’t pay business taxes. You pay business taxes — as a consumer through higher prices, as an employee through lower wages, and as an investor through lower earnings. That’s your retirement fund.
How many have died because of vaccine skepticism caused by Biden, Harris statements in 2020?
On Monday, President Joe Biden received his third dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, a booster shot. This comes on the heels of his national vaccine mandate.
Moreover, he declared the COVID-19 resurgence a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Yet, Biden was not always such an advocate for vaccines. About a year ago, when Donald Trump was president, then-candidates Biden and Kamala Harris questioned vaccines’ safety, saying they were untrustworthy. Today, as many have refused the vaccine over safety concerns, Biden and Harris share blame.
As of today, there have been 693,000 deaths in the United States due to COVID-19. Approximately 42% of them occurred in the eight months Biden has been in office, even though vaccines have been available since before he was inaugurated. How many of these deaths happened because of a reluctance to get vaccinated because of what Biden and Harris said?
A poll from about a year ago showed that nearly 70% of people were reluctant to get vaccinated. Biden effectively used this fear as part of a campaign strategy. During an interview with CBS News correspondent Errol Barnett, Biden reinforced anti-vaccine hysteria by claiming that vaccines were “not likely to go through all the tests and the trials that are needed to be done.”
Incidentally, this is one of the leading reasons why people are reluctant to get vaccinated. Even more troubling is that vaccines were already in trial stages and passing safety standards at the time of Biden’s inflammatory anti-vaccine rhetoric.
Natural immunity to covid is powerful. Policymakers seem afraid to say so.
It’s okay to have an incorrect scientific hypothesis. But when new data proves it wrong, you have to adapt. Unfortunately, many elected leaders and public health officials have held on far too long to the hypothesis that natural immunity offers unreliable protection against covid-19 — a contention that is being rapidly debunked by science.
More than 15 studies have demonstrated the power of immunity acquired by previously having the virus. A 700,000-person study from Israel two weeks ago found that those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic covid infection than those who were vaccinated. This affirmed a June Cleveland Clinic study of health-care workers (who are often exposed to the virus), in which none who had previously tested positive for the coronavirus got reinfected. The study authors concluded that “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.” And in May, a Washington University study found that even a mild covid infection resulted in long-lasting immunity.
Coronavirus vaccines work. But this statistical illusion makes people think they don’t.
So, the emerging science suggests that natural immunity is as good as or better than vaccine-induced immunity. That’s why it’s so frustrating that the Biden administration has repeatedly argued that immunity conferred by vaccines is preferable to immunity caused by natural infection, as NIH director Francis Collins told Fox News host told Bret Baier a few weeks ago. That rigid adherence to an outdated theory is also reflected in President Biden’s recent announcement that large companies must require their employees to get vaccinated or submit to regular testing, regardless of whether they previously had the virus.
How America’s Polarized Politics Produced Democrats’ Internal Fight
As Democratic progressives and moderates feud over President Biden’s domestic spending plans, Washington veterans may have a vague feeling they’ve seen this movie before.
Well, they have—or at least an earlier version of it.
That earlier movie premiered eight years ago, when Republicans tore themselves apart in a bitter internal fight that resulted in a politically damaging government shutdown. Then, a band of ideologically driven newer members overwhelmed the party’s more moderate leadership.
Those Republican conservatives were sure the country was with them in their (failed) drive to defund Obamacare, much as Democratic progressives now are convinced that the country is with them in their drive to spend $3.5 trillion on a sprawling jobs, social-welfare and climate-change package.
“This very much reminds me of 2013,” says Doug Heye, who lived through that earlier episode as a top Republican House staff member. “The inter- and intraparty politics are strikingly similar.”
Those parallel political dynamics are no accident. They are, instead, the result of structural forces that have increasingly empowered the ideological wings of both parties, while weakening the political center. Indeed, to really understand the fix Democrats are in, it’s important to appreciate that the polarization in American politics isn’t merely between the two parties, but also within each of them.
A Conservative’s Dream: Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema Win Presidential Election in 2024
Let me use columnist mojo to take us 1,128 days into the future: the 2024 landslide victory of Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., over Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump.
Let’s begin with the astJoe Manchin reprised Ronald Reagan’s 1976 primary challenge of incumbent Gerald Ford. Except… in 2024, the insurgent beat the incumbent.
How’d he do it? By attacking Biden as having reneged on his promised pragmatism as summed up by Biden himself: “People want results, not a revolution.”
Biden, inexplicably, took a left turn.
As nailed by Jonathans Martin and Weisman at The New York Times:
“After he vanquished Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont in the Democratic primary, he brought the liberal icon’s ardent supporters into the fold by embracing much of the senator’s platform even as he ran on unifying the country. When moderate Democrats came to call, he used the tones of centrism to assure them of his conciliatory bona fides. But when Mr. Biden ventured to the Capitol on Friday to help House Democrats out of their thicket, he had to choose sides. He effectively chose the left.”
The Fanatic Democratic Wing declared war on the Donks’ Pragmatic Regulars, and chaos ensued.
Biden’s popularity eroded deeply, especially (to the confusion of chronically confused progressive thought leaders) among women, youth, and people of color. That created a political vacuum.
Nature abhors a vacuum. Cue the “Battle of the Joes.”onishing “Joe vs. Joe” primary battle.
Facebook to take center stage at whistleblower hearing
Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen is set to give highly anticipated testimony to a Senate panel on Tuesday that the Silicon Valley giant ignored internal warnings about misinformation and dangerous content.
Haugen, a former Facebook product manager, came public for the first time in a “60 Minutes” interview that aired Sunday night, which expanded on the bombshell series of internal documents she leaked to The Wall Street Journal.
“The choices being made by Facebook’s leadership are a huge problem — for children, for public safety, for democracy — that is why I came forward. And let’s be clear: it doesn’t have to be this way. We are here today because of deliberate choices Facebook has made,” Haugen will say, according to a copy of her testimony reported by The Washington Post.
Haugen’s interview led to a new round of difficult headlines for Facebook, which on Monday was also enduring a massive outage across its platforms that stretched well into the afternoon.
While Facebook is no stranger to controversy or scrutiny on Capitol Hill, Kyle Taylor, a member of the advocacy group Real Facebook Oversight Board, said Frances’s revelations could be pivotal by validating accusations from activists that Facebook’s leaders knowingly misled about the impact of their products.
How Leftist Prosecutors Contributed To 2020’s Massive Murder Spike
Prosecutors across the country have ceased prosecuting certain crimes in the name of racial and economic equity and social justice. This dangerous trend denies justice to victims and increases crime.
The number of homicides in the United States increased around 30 percent in 2020 compared to the previous year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported last week, along with a 5.6 percent increase in violent crime in the same period.
This is no wonder, when prosecutors across the country have ceased prosecuting in the name of racial and economic equity. From Los Angeles and San Francisco to the Eastern seaboard, city attorneys are declining to prosecute cases, denying justice to victims, and creating dangerous cities.
Just as critical race theory has bled out of the big cities into small and unsuspecting jurisdictions, so too might prosecutors with visions of “reimagining” the criminal justice system come to a town near you.
Seattle’s Singularly Extreme Approach
Seattle deserves special recognition for its failure to provide even basic law and order, and things may be about to get worse as the city votes in November for a new city attorney. Responsible for prosecuting misdemeanors, the Seattle City Attorney’s Office has become a leftist experiment lab under Pete Holmes.
Europe’s gas crisis: How Biden handed Putin key bargaining chip
Joe Biden gave the green light to a controversial gas pipeline that Vladimir Putin is now using to hold Europe to ransom by threatening to withhold supplies and push up the price of energy – unless European regulators grant the link final approval.
In a move that confounded critics and supporters alike, the US President effectively green-lit completion of the $11billion Nord Stream 2 pipe to Germany back in May when he lifted sanctions that had halted construction work through 2020.
Before Biden’s intervention, the US under Donald Trump had been bitterly opposed to the project – fearing it would hand influence and money to Putin, while hurting the West’s ability to retaliate against him.
Nord Stream 2 has been enthusiastically backed by Angela Merkel who wanted the pipeline to increase Germany’s natural gas revenues – but it has been bitterly opposed by Eastern European nations who fear it will embolden Russia to act more aggressively on their borders and in Ukraine.
Gas shortages have caused wholesale prices to increase across the UK and in Europe eight times this year, sparking warnings that household bills could soon soar while raising the possibility of blackouts.
Russian engineers finished work on Nord Stream 2 last month and now only need EU leaders to give final approval to start pumping gas – a bargaining chip that Moscow has wasted no time in using to threaten the continent.
Aleksandr Novak, Russia’s energy minister, has explicitly linked easing the gas crisis – caused when demand outstripped supply as economies reopened post-Covid – with the opening of the Nord Stream 2 pipe, saying it would send a ‘positive signal’ that would help ‘cool’ the market.
But experts say that Russia already has the means to pump more gas into Europe through four existing lines, and is withholding supplies for its own political ends
Britain last night accused Russia of ‘choking’ supply to win approval for the pipeline, which Boris Johnson warned would have ‘significant security implications’ for the continent.
Losing Afghanistan Was Inevitable. Losing Tunisia Is Not
With diplomatic and economic pressure alone, the U.S. and western Europe could have headed off a coup in what was a democratic Muslim country.
Afghanistan wasn’t the only majority Muslim country that the Joe Biden administration lost in the last week.
Establishing a functioning democracy in Afghanistan was hard — so hard it turned out to be impossible. Tunisia, which on Monday passed from the status of functioning democracy to effective autocracy, would have been an easy win for Biden’s nominal commitment to sustain democracy around the world — if the administration had bothered to pay meaningful attention to it.
Instead, the administration stood by and did nothing while the elected president of the Arab world’s only democracy suspended parliament in violation of the Tunisian constitution and announced that the members of the parliament would henceforth be subject to arrest.
The facts here are remarkably simple. The Arab Spring started in Tunisia, where the dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled the country in January 2011 in response to popular protests. In the other Arab Spring countries that followed Tunisia’s example, dictators were challenged and sometimes toppled, but the ultimate result was more dictatorship (as in Egypt) or civil war (as in Syria, Libya and Yemen).