AARP Exposed, Profiting at Expense of Seniors and to Detriment of all Americans

Jim Martin, “It’s time people got over any notion that the AARP is working for the benefit of anything more than their own bottom line and political fiefdom in Washington.”

(Alexandria, Virginia) – A front-page story in the December 4 edition of the Washington Post exposed in detail how the AARP stands to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue if Congress and the President reform Medigap, a proposal AARP has consistently lobbied against, despite earlier denials.  Under proposed reforms, seniors who purchase Medigap would pay lower premiums and the U.S. would save billions in healthcare costs.  Despite these benefits, AARP opposes such measures because they not only negatively impact the group’s main source of revenue, but the personal income of their executives as well.

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization with over 7.2 million supporters said, “Once again AARP is exposed for selling seniors down the river for the almighty dollar.  For years 60 Plus and others — including Senator Jim DeMint and Congressmen Fred Upton and Wally Herger — have been shouting from the rooftops to expose the tawdry and sordid business practices of the AARP.  The Post should be commended for taking a strong look at their agenda, and their actions which undermine the welfare of America’s seniors.”

AARP was embarrassed this past summer when secret memos came to light revealing AARP’s coordination with Democratic operatives in the White House and DCCC to promote Obamacare behind the scenes, despite their members being opposed to the legislation by a margin of 14 to 1.  In one memo, AARP bragged they were more effective in their lobbying efforts if they had “the appearance of impartiality.”

The Post also reported:

  • AARP executives are especially hurt by budget and Medigap reforms, as their yearly bonuses are based on total “royalty fees” from their endorsed insurance products that reforms would necessarily reduce
  • AARP admits that its lobbying efforts are a conflict-of-interest, after previously claiming that it did not lobby “at all” on Medigap
  • Royalties now account for 52% of AARP’s $1.4 billion in annual revenue, and growing revenue provided $140,156 in bonuses to AARP CEO Barry Rand’s total compensation last year of $938,553

“The AARP claims to be a guiding force in the healthcare field, but the procedure they are most familiar with is performing the wallet-ectomy — removing seniors from their money.  At almost every turn their activities can be reduced to making money on the backs of the elderly, and putting their own welfare ahead of that of their members and the nation as a whole.

“It is time that everyone from the average voter to our leaders on Capitol Hill treat the AARP for what they are — another self-interested party working for what is best for them and them alone.”
