60 Plus Events: Week of October 21-27

60 Plus Events: Week of October 21-27

INDIANA MOORESVILLE: Morgan County Tea Party is hosting a Phone Bank Party on Tuesday, October 23, from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at 50 South Madison Street in Mooresville. Arrive and leave …

New 60 Plus Ad Targets Kirkpatrick and Sinema on Health Care Reform, Taxes and Spending

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched a new television ad campaign that targets Ann Kirkpatrick and Kyrsten Sinema on …

New 60 Plus Ad Highlights Clear Differences in McSally-Barber Race

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched a new ad campaign in Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District that contrasts Martha McSally’s …

60 Plus Highlights Heitkamp’s Support of $700 Billion Cut to Medicare in New Ad

Alexandria, Va. –The 60 Plus Association today launched a new radio ad decrying Heidi Heitkamp’s support of President Obama’s healthcare bill and the resulting $700 billion cut to Medicare. The $180,000 ad …

60 Plus Highlights Dan Maffei’s Big Spending Record in New Ad

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched a new television ad campaign that highlights Dan Maffei’s record, which includes his …

Obama Campaign Borrows Strategy from Walter Mondale

Mondale campaign ad from 1984 eerily similar to rhetoric of Obama 2012 re-election efforts. (Alexandria, Virginia) – A presidential candidate is on the stump claiming that his opponent will ‘slash Medicare,’ and …

Joe Biden Asks Seniors, “Who do you trust?” Seniors Reply, “Not You or Obama!”

Jim Martin, “America’s seniors have stated loud and clear they wouldn’t trust Joe Biden to sell them a car, they sure don’t trust him with four more years handling our economy, Social …

AARP Continues to Call Medicare Cuts a Good Thing for Seniors

Jim Martin, “AARP is a laughingstock with seniors, they have no credibility. This is why America’s elderly are voting overwhelmingly for Governor Romney and Paul Ryan.” (Alexandria, Virginia) –  While the AARP …

AARP Healthcare Legacy: Betrayed Seniors for Profit

60 Plus Association Bus Tour Visits Miramar Beach With Governor Mike Huckabee, Who Also Shares Concern That AARP is Failing Seniors (Miramar Beach, Florida) – Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) has produced a …

Mike Huckabee Joins ’60 Plus’ Town Hall to Rally Overflow Crowd of Seniors on Healthcare

Huckabee: “Repealing and replacing Obamacare is THE issue of this campaign.” (Miramar Beach, Florida) – Former Arkansas Governor and current Fox News personality Mike Huckabee joined with the 60 Plus Association, in …