STOP Taxpayer Funded Ad Campaign for Obamacare
Jim Martin, “This may be the only law that needs its own ‘Minister of Propaganda.’” (Alexandria, Virginia) – Despite being weeks or even days away from a Supreme Court decision that could …
Seniors Oppose Obama Attack on Religious Liberty
Jim Martin, “Over 200 years of religious liberty down the drain with one arrogant President.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – The 60 Plus Association today voiced its support for a federal lawsuit filed today …
Seniors Support Passing Ryan Budget in Senate
Jim Martin, “Seniors need real leadership in the Senate, not political games that have left us with over 1,100 days without a budget and Medicare on the brink of insolvency.” (Alexandria, Virginia) …
There He Goes Again – Sen. Bill Nelson Can’t Handle Looking at his Own Record
Jim Martin, “I agree with Senator Nelson in one regard; his record is tough to look at.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – Democrat Senator Bill Nelson of Florida is once again crying ‘foul’ over …
Group Tied to Big Labor Pushes Phony Obamacare Study on Small Business
60 Plus’s Jim Martin, “Families USA once again puts up discredited info to prop up Obamacare.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – A new report released this week touting the benefits of Obamacare for small …
‘Julia’ Dies While Waiting for Routine Medical Care
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 3, 2042 Americans blame policies of former President Obama for killing Medicare and his policy of rationing medicine that denied Julia the care she needed. (Alexandria, Virginia) – …
Obamacare Pushing American Workers off Their Private Health Plans and into Government Dependency
Jim Martin: “Obama’s agenda is for the federal government to be everybody’s doctor.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – A new report released this afternoon by the House Ways and Means Committee states that the …
Time to End EPA’s Crucifixion of America’s Energy Producers
Jim Martin: “Republicans should publicly pledge to oppose the confirmation of any adherent of ‘global warming’ to the EPA.“ (Alexandria, Virginia) – President Barack Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has admitted a …
Congress Must Investigate Obama’s Medicare Shell Game
Jim Martin: “Buying off seniors with temporary Obamacare waivers is truly despicable.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – A report issued today by the General Accounting Office (GAO) raises serious questions concerning $8.3 billion spent …