Obama Budget Unites Congress, Bi-partisan Vote Defeats it 414-0
60 Plus Jim Martin, “Will one Democrat willing to support his President please stand up?“ (Alexandria, Virginia) — The U.S. House of Representatives cast several budget votes late yesterday, including the budget …
Liberal Protestors Earn Good Payday Outside of Supreme Court
“Union coffee break no match for thousands who rallied for freedom,” Jim Martin, 60 Plus. (Washington, DC) – Dueling rallies characterized the stakes outside the Supreme Court today, as pro-Obamacare supporters were …
(Washington, DC) – Statement today by Jim Martin, Chairman of the 60 Plus Association, on the occasion of the “Hands Off My Health Care Rally” on Capitol Hill, sponsored by Americans for …
Seniors Say Time to Repeal and Replace Obama’s Un-Affordable Care Act
(Alexandria, Virginia) – With the first day of Obamacare arguments at the Supreme Court in the books, Americans remain overwhelmingly in favor of repealing the President’s health care law, whether piece by …
Energy Tax Bill Hurts Seniors
60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: ‘The Legislation is Baseless and Destructive’ (Alexandria, VA) – 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative seniors’ organization, issued the following statement today …
(Washington, DC) – The following statement was given today by Jim Martin, Chairman of the 60 Plus Association, on the occasion of the “Road to Repeal Rally” on Capitol Hill. My name …
Two Year Anniversary of Obamacare a Day of Reflection, Mourning
60 Plus Jim Martin, “Two years of bad medicine for America, and it will only get worse.“ (Alexandria, Virginia) – Today marks the two year anniversary of President Obama’s signature piece of …
Seniors Cheer House Vote to Kill Rationing Board
60 Plus Jim Martin, “All eyes on Senate to see if they will continue to embrace Obamacare.“ (Alexandria, Virginia) – By a vote of 223 to 181, the House today voted to …
GOP will need multiple votes to repeal Obamacare
Published: March 20, 2012 Daily Caller By Jim Martin Chairman, 60 Plus Association It is downright amazing that the most momentous, and contemptible, piece of legislation Washington has seen in the last …