60 Plus Association Statement on the United Steelworkers Decision to Continue Nurses Strike in New Jersey

60 Plus Association Statement on the United Steelworkers Decision to Continue Nurses Strike in New Jersey

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 19, 2023) – Shame on United Steelworkers for keeping nurses on the picket line instead of at patients’ bedsides. Tuesday’s decisions make it clear the union is afraid of …

Biden is Busted – Hard to Pretend There is Nothing There

Biden Crime Family: Facts, evidence, witnesses, and testimony are coming out. Mainstream media is doing all they can to muddle the case against the most outrageous abuse of office in America’s history. From the …

Patients Shouldn’t Suffer in Labor Disputes

The 60 Plus Association is calling on the leadership of United Steelworkers to stop using patients as leverage in its contract negotiations with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, New …

60 Plus Association Statement on the United Steelworkers Strike in New Jersey 

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 14, 2023) – On behalf of 600,000 senior-citizen advocates across New Jersey, the 60 Plus Association is calling on the leadership of United Steelworkers to stop using patients as …

Mike Rogers for U.S. Senate

Mike Rogers for U.S. Senate in Michigan?: I’ve known Mike Rogers for over 40 years. He’s been a dedicated public servant who served in the U.S. Army, the F.B.I., as a State Senator, and …

President Kamala Harris?!? …Canada goes Orwellian!?!

Canada Goes Orwellian!?!: Newt Gingrich pens one of the scariest articles I have ever read. I thought America was going woke and it was only temporary. It sounds like our neighbors to the north have …

60 Plus Association Statement on Initial List of Medicines Released Under Government Price-Setting

WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 29, 2023) – The 60 Plus Association – The American Association of Senior Citizens released the following statement regarding the announcement of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services releasing the …

Debate Showed Some Future Talent – Trump Still Dominates

RNC Meeting & Debate: I made the trip out to Milwaukee to join thousands of Republicans who came to check out the next convention venue and watch the non-debate debate without the ever-growing …

Vote Your Preference – Trump? DeSantis? Youngkin???

Trump? DeSantis? Youngkin???: Who do you prefer? What IF your first-choice candidate drops out…who is your second choice? And then who??? Its EARLY…very early in the process. There are SO many variables out there and Republicans have …

Have Your say – First GOP Debate Performance

var ifr = document.getElementById("JotFormIFrame-232286349081156"); if (ifr) { var src = ifr.src; var iframeParams = []; if (window.location.href && window.location.href.indexOf("?") > -1) { iframeParams = iframeParams.concat(window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.indexOf("?") + 1).split('&')); } if (src && src.indexOf("?") …