Local Seniors Voice Concerns about Boyd’s Record in New 60 Plus Ad

Local Seniors Voice Concerns about Boyd’s Record in New 60 Plus Ad

“Rep. Boyd decided to ignore the voices of his constituents when he voted for the health care overhaul,” said Jim Martin, Chairman of the 60 Plus Association. “Congress’s massive overhaul of the health care system cut $500 billion from Medicare, hurting the quality of care for seniors. Many seniors don’t know why Rep. Boyd ignored their concerns, but they completely understand why they will be voting against him this November.”

60 Plus Launches New Ad Targeting Kanjorski’s Record

“Rep. Kanjorski hurt Pennsylvania’s seniors when he voted for ObamaCare,” said Jim Martin, Chairman of the 60 Plus Association. “When Rep. Kanjorski voted to cut funding, he voted to reduce quality, limit access, and essentially ration health care for America’s Greatest Generation. Most seniors don’t really know why he decided to vote against them, but they do know why they will be voting against him this November.”

Obama “Stimulus Package” Doubles Down on Failure with $50 Billion in New Spending

After several failed attempts to stimulate the sluggish American economy with historic injections of government spending, President Obama is proposing another $50 billion in federal spending on infrastructure projects. Spending Revolt, a coalition of taxpayers, families, business owners, and policy organizations, is strongly condemning the new Obama spending initiative.

FDA Postpones Rationing of Cancer Drugs

Temporary Victory for Seniors – Threat Remains (Washington, DC) – Jim Martin, Chairman of the seniors advocacy group, the 60 Plus Association, released the following statement regarding the Food and Drug Administration’s …

PA Seniors Get a Voice in New 60 Plus Ad

The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched new television and web ads targeting Rep. Christopher Carney’s record in the U.S. House of Representatives. The organization will spend more than $435,000 in Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District.

Area Seniors Have a Voice in New 60 Plus Ad

The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched new television and web ads in New York’s 20th Congressional District that target Scott Murphy’s record.

New 60 Plus Ad Targets Bishop’s Record

The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched new television and web ads in New York’s 1st Congressional District, targeting Rep. Tim Bishop’s record while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives.

60 Plus Targets Kagen’s Record in New Ad

The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched new television and web ads that highlight Rep. Steve Kagen’s record while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. The organization will spend more than $110,000 on issue ads in Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District.

Local Seniors Speak Up in New 60 Plus Ad

The 60 Plus Association, nationally recognized as the conservative alternative to the liberal AARP, today launched new television and web ads that highlight Rep. Ron Kind’s record while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. The organization will spend more than $540,000 on issue ads in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District.

National Poll Finds Seniors, Women and Americans From Across the Political Spectrum Reject FDA’s Consideration of Cost in Drug Approval Process

63% of Americans oppose a pending FDA decision that bases cancer treatment options on cost; 71% are more likely to vote against candidates who support the FDA decision (Washington, DC) – 60 …