Conservative group targets Dahlkemper, Kanjorski on health care
A conservative-leaning advocacy group for seniors is going after congressional incumbents Kathy Dahlkemper and Paul Kanjorski as part of a new TV campaign targeting Democratic lawmakers who supported the newly enacted health care law.
Another $1 Million in 8th District Attack Ads Against Herron
The 8th District Republican Congressional primary was reported as the most expensive in the nation and now it appears the district is on its way to similar stature in the general election. The Jackson Sun reports that two groups have announced plans to spend more than $1 million on a new round of advertising that will back Republican Stephen Fincher and attack Democrat Roy Herron.
Conservative seniors blast Boyd
A conservative organization representing older Americans announced plans today for a nearly $400,000 advertising campaign opposing the re-election of U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd, D-Monticello.
Debt, Deficits, and the Health Care Law.
What do they mean for seniors and future generations?
The Galen Institute and the 60 Plus Association invite you to join us in Springfield, VA, on September 16 for a forum on how the health overhaul law will impact seniors and future generations. Jim Martin of the 60 Plus Association will be joined by health policy expert Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute, and budget expert Douglas Holtz-Eakin of the American Action Forum to discuss the health law and answer your questions.
Seniors Endorse Rubio Proposals
Statement by 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin
Seniors in my home state of Florida can count on Marco Rubio always being in their corner. The Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate is unveiling what he calls ‘seven simple ideas to protect our seniors.’
Music Legend Pat Boone Sings Praises of Marco Rubio
Legendary entertainer Pat Boone, spokesman for a national non-partisan senior citizen group, announced today that Marco Rubio has won the 60 Plus Association’s Honorary Guardian of Seniors’ Rights award. Rubio is a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Florida.
Senior citizen group plans attacks on Roy Herron
By: Chas Sisk The Published on August 3, 2010 in Election, National, Politics and State The 60 Plus Association, a group for senior citizens that bills itself as the conservative alternative …
Seniors’ group raises alarm on unapproved drugs
By Julian Pecquet The Hill blog 07/27/10 11:06 AM ET The 60 Plus Association — known as “the conservative alternative to the AARP” — is launching an awareness campaign regarding unapproved drugs …