Seniors Endorse Sensible ‘Bill Of Rights’
Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin I wholeheartedly applaud the Republican National Committee’s Seniors’ Health Care Bill of Rights, which represents a sensible blueprint to reforming and improving our nation’s …
AARP Puts Liberal Agenda First, Seniors Last
Groucho Marx famously quipped that he wouldn’t want to belong to any group that would want him as a member. Perhaps from the great beyond Groucho can take heart in the fact he’d feel perfectly comfortable as a member of today’s AARP, whose embrace of “Obamacare” once again demonstrates their complete indifference toward their 35 million dues-paying members, if not outright hostility toward seniors everywhere.
Pull The Plug On Obamacare
Seniors Tsunami Headed Toward Congress Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin Alexandria, VA — It’s time to pull the plug on health care proposals that are not quite dead but …
AARP Members Flocking to 60 Plus
Internet Donations Refill 60 Plus Coffers; Second Printing of AARP Bumper Stickers Statement By 60 Plus President Jim Martin As 60 Plus speaks out against Obamacare, thousands of disgruntled AARPites are leaving in disgust. The …
AARP Loses Members Over Health Care Stance
WASHINGTON (AP) — About 60,000 senior citizens have quit AARP since July 1 due to the group’s support for a health care overhaul, a spokesman for the organization said Monday. The membership …
Promises Made, Promises Kept: Candidate Obama Promised. Will President Obama Deliver?
Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin Alexandria, VA — Regarding health care, candidate Barack Obama repeatedly said any overhaul of healthcare should be negotiated publicly and televised for all to …
Massive Medicare Cuts Await Elderly Says New Ad From Seniors’ Group
ALEXANDRIA, VA – The 60 Plus Association, a 17-year-old nonpartisan senior citizens advocacy group often referred to as the “conservative alternative to the AARP” today released a TV ad warning the elderly …
Washington Times
Daniel Hannan, a Conservative member of Parliament from southeastern England, was at the Army Navy Club in the District on Tuesday to offer enthusiastic opinions on the “American Tea Parties” phenomenon. “For 11 years, Britain has had a socialist government that has squeezed the productive end of our economy to expand the unproductive end of our economy. Don’t repeat that in America,” Mr. Hannan told his hosts, which included and the Leadership Institute.
Seniors Suffer Under Obama/AARP/PhRMA “Healthcare Reform”
All Americans, especially seniors, want and deserve affordable and accessible healthcare. But attaining that goal will be next to impossible under the Obama Administration’s proposal.