Seniors Urge Congress To Oppose Federal Renewable Energy Standards

Seniors Urge Congress To Oppose Federal Renewable Energy Standards

A Federal Res Will Impose Unnecessary And Burdensome Costs On Senior Citizens ALEXANDRIA, VA — The 60 Plus Association, a national nonpartisan advocacy group, today sent a letter to all members of …

Martin: Seniors Hard Hit

Very few Americans have been able to isolate or immunize themselves from today’s economic hardships, but for America’s seniors and working families, the impact is even more severe. Savings built and strengthened over a lifetime have been erased. The cost of living continues to climb. And golden years for many that should be filled with travel, relaxation and quality time with grandchildren are instead filled with apprehension and anxiety.

Are You A Worried Gm Bondholder?

Senior Citizens Stand To Lose In General Motors Negotiations With The Obama Administration A General Motors bankruptcy would be devastating to GM employees, hundreds of thousands of people employed by suppliers, dealerships, …

Robbing Peter To Pay Paul

Print More Money To Finance Health Care! Statement By James L. Martin Arlington, VA — The President wants $634 billion dollars over 10 years as a “down payment” to finance health care. …

Mother’s Milk Of Politics

“In 1962, I covered Congress as a reporter for a news bureau that included the Tampa (Fla.) Tribune, the Columbia (S.C.) State, the Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, WFLA-(Tampa) TV, 50,000-watt radio stations WDBO (Orlando) and WGBS (Miami) to name a few of the more than two dozen media outlets.

From that perspective, I witnessed one of the most lopsided presidential victories ever. Democrat Lyndon Johnson beat Republican Barry Goldwater, 486 electoral votes to 52 with a popular vote of 43 million to 27 million.

Strong-Arming Seniors Will Be The Death Of Medicare

Only in Washington could a supposedly self-funded government program that’s operating in the red and facing insolvency walk away from an opportunity to save billions of dollars.Yet that’s exactly what Medicare, the health care program for seniors, is doing: shamefully ignoring an opportunity to save billions by forcing retirees who want to pay for their own medical coverage to accept Medicare.

Seniors’ Group Criticizes Hagan/DSCC Age Distortion Attack On Senator Dole

The head of a senior citizens’ organization called an attack ad aimed at Senator Elizabeth Dole “rude and frankly insulting to real senior citizens.”

Seniors Support Pickens Plan

The 60 Plus Association today endorsed the “Pickens Plan,” an energy campaign launched earlier this week by Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens, to offset foreign oil imports with domestic energy sources.

Seniors Hurt By Taxing Energy Producers

The 60 Plus Association today warned that the Consumers-First Energy Act of 2008 “contains anti-market provisions and places domestic energy companies at a competitive disadvantage by hindering innovative energy solutions resulting in unbearable increases in fuel costs.”

Why Is Domestic Energy Exploration Off Limits?

Comments By 60 Plus President Jim Martin, “Energy Day”. “Good morning, I’m Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, I would like to have the following enigma, wrapped inside a mystery, explained: Why are U.S. energy producers not allowed to explore for oil and gas off the coast of Florida, my home state, while China and Cuba do so?”