Seniors Say No To Dorgan And Yes To Cochran

Seniors Say No To Dorgan And Yes To Cochran

Senator Byron Dorgan’s (D-ND) amendment allowing cheap drug imports is a terrible idea and 60 Plus urges a NO vote. The Dorgan amendment poses a clear and present danger for senior citizens seeking access to less expensive and sorely needed drugs. Instead, it will open even wider the counterfeit floodgates to allow dangerously diluted medicines that Congressional hearings have already revealed many were not fit for human consumption. It’s a bad idea.

Kill The Death Tax. Don’t Wound It.

Having started to work right here in the National Press Club more than 40 years ago, I’ve finally discovered a tax cut liberals and conservatives can rally around. What does TV star Oprah Winfrey and President Bush have in common? They both detest the death tax, Miss Winfrey having famously said on her TV show prior to starting her own foundation she found it “irritating to say the least” that after paying half her income in taxes while alive, Uncle Sam was waiting for as much as 55% of her after-tax assets upon her death. And President Bush has time and again promised to sign death tax repeal legislation, so here’s an issue liberals and conservatives are able to rally around.

Troop Security Not For Sale

“The 60 Plus Association registers its strongest opposition to last week’s vote on the emergency supplemental spending bill for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan,” said Association President Jim Martin in a statement after the vote.

Taxes, Taxes And More Taxes

The 60 Plus Association heartily endorses the Republican Study Committee’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

Line Item Veto Needed

“Congress: Give The President The Line Item Veto” in the January 3, 2007 edition of the Wall Street Journal, President Bush authored an op ed entitled, “What the Congress Can Do for America” in which he wrote, among other things, “It’s time Congress give the President a line item veto.”

Jim Martin Testimony Before House Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism And Homeland Security

Legislative Hearing On H.R. 5304 “Preventing Harassment Through Outbound Number Enforcement (Phone) Act” Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2006, “Good morning, I’m Jim Martin, President of the 15-year-old-and-counting 60 Plus Association and I appreciate the invitation to offer comments today on behalf of some 5 million senior citizens we call upon for support. For the record, I have prepared remarks and I’ll now summarize: incidentally, my Honorary Chairman is a former colleague of yours, Roger Zion of Evansville, Indiana.”

Oil And Natural Gas Prices…Seniors Need Help!

Press To Open Up The Outer Continental Shelf For Exploration: Jim Martin Addresses Groups In Houston, Norfolk And Atlantic City. “I’m Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, a 15 year old national senior citizen’s advocacy group. I’m pleased to speak this afternoon on their behalf…about 5 million senior citizens representing every state and every Congressional District in the U.S.”

Spooking Seniors

Scaring Seniors Into The Voting Booth by Pat Boone And Jim Martin: “We seniors (yes, we’re both in that club) have any number of things to be concerned about in our later years, things that go to the welfare and happiness of our children and grandkids, prevention of identity theft, what to do in case of power outages owing to natural phenomena like hurricanes or floods, whether there will ever be a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, sales scams via telemarketing or on-line fraud, home security and the like.”

Repeal The 3% Federal Excise Telephone Tax

“On behalf of the 60 Plus Association and senior citizens all across America, I am pleased to note that H.R. 1898 sponsored by Rep. Gary Miller (R-CA) has gained its 218th cosponsor this week, marking an historic opportunity for the 109th Congress to once and for all repeal the 3% federal excise telephone tax — a tax we’ve referred to for years now as the highly regressive ‘tax on talking.'” said Jim Martin

Iraq Liberation Week

“The mainstream media and their left-leaning tilt on the war in Iraq tends to circumnavigate all the good news, the hard-won victories and clear signs of progress in our mission there … while simultaneously down-playing what the clear majority of Iraqi’s themselves see as better days ahead.” So said 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin.