Help Katrina Victims: Abolish Death Tax
Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin As Estate Tax Repeal Vote Is Postponed: “I believe the Senate was wise to postpone a vote on repeal of the death tax.”
To The House Of Lords: Kill The Death Tax
Today, the U.S. Senate is poised to either drive a stake through the heart of the most confiscatory tax ever enacted or to go wobbly and allow this cruel, job-robbing, anti-growth estate tax to live on in infamy.
107 Year Old “Temporary Tax” Must Go!
Statement By 60 Plus Association President, Jim Martin “On behalf of the 60 Plus Association and senior citizens all across America, I am calling upon the 109th Congress to do what should have been done decades ago — the immediate and total repeal of the highly regressive ‘tax on talking’.”
Democrat, Republican Join Forces To Help Revamp Social Security
Sam Beard was in the room when the president of the United States made the pitch for Social Security reform. “He looked everyone in the eye and said the program is going to die,”Beard said. “He said to save Social Security, we are going to have to take major new steps.” That exchange took place in November 1998, and the president was Bill Clinton, not George W. Bush. Given the time and opportunity, Beard believes Clinton would have sought changes similar to those the president proposed earlier this year.
Endangered Species Act a Failure
“On behalf of the 60 Plus Association and senior citizens all across America, I am pleased to have added my signature in support of a letter sent by more than 50 leading national and grassroots organizations, calling on Congressman Richard Pombo, Chairman of the Committee on Resources, to not reauthorize the ESA without widespread reform,” said 60 Plus President, Jim Martin.
Social Security Here To Stay
A new Zogby poll indicates that a majority of voters favor allowing younger workers to invest in personal retirement accounts (PRAs) and that’s “good news for future retirees,” according to the head of a national senior citizens group.
Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin Submitted To The House Energy and Mineral Subcommittee
Energy Supply, Energy Costs and the American Consumer Room 1324 House Office Building, May 19th, 2005, 10:00a.m. I submit this testimony on behalf of the 60 Plus Association, an 11-year-old senior citizen’s …
Seniors Salute Sessions
Senior citizens salute Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and the more than 20 co-sponsors he has for the Jobs Protection and Estate Tax Reform Act of 2005.
Seniors Support King’s Tax Proposal
“President Bush has called for tax reform and tax simplification repeatedly since he first took office. On behalf of America’s senior citizens, we believe he is right, and the time is now. The 60 Plus Association commends Representative Steve King (R-IA), who has introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives, H.J. Res. 16, to permanently repeal the 16th Amendment.”