Death Tax: A Grave Matter For Virginia’s Seniors

Death Tax: A Grave Matter For Virginia’s Seniors

Dying Should Not Be A Taxable Event Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin

One Nation “Under God”

“Every time I recite the 31-word Pledge I am moved by it. Remove the words “Under God” and the tone and texture changes dramatically,” says Pat Boone, spokesman of the 60 Plus Association.

Seniors Honor Barton With Lawmaker Of The Month Award

Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX) has received a Lawmaker of the Month Award from the 60 Plus Association, a national senior citizens organization with 819 members in the 6th Congressional District.

Remarks At The Politics Of Pain Management Briefing, U.S. House Of Representatives

As President of a national seniors organization that calls on 5 million seniors for support, I have increasingly become more aware of the silent crisis many of America’s seniors face — the so-called “invisible” disease of chronic pain. Seniors are among one of the largest segments of the population that suffer from chronic pain and inadequate treatment of that pain. As our age rises, so do the number of aches and pains.” says 60 Plus’ President, Jim Martin.

60 Plus Association Plays Prominent Role In Medicare Reform Bill Signing Ceremony

On December 8, President Bush signed the Medicare Reform Bill into law in a historic ceremony at Constitution Hall near the White House. Grassroots Leaders and members of 60 Plus Association played a prominent role in the ceremony.

Promises Made…Promises Kept

Seniors Hail President Bush And Congress Medicare Bill Signed Into Law by 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin “The day has arrived…finally…a history-making modernization of Medicare with its long-awaited prescription drug benefit for seniors. President Bush made a campaign promise to deliver a prescription drug benefit for seniors. He kept his promise with today’s bill signing at Constitution Hall.”

Seniors Say: Stop The Delays, Pass The Medicare Prescription Drug Bill

Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, called on the opponents of the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill to stop their delaying tactics and vote on the bill itself.

60 Plus Members Attend Meeting With President Bush On Medicare Reform

On October 29, there were 33 Grassroots Leaders and members of the 60 Plus Association attended a meeting with President Bush at the Old Executive Office Building next to the White House regarding Medicare Reform.

Letter Opposing S.139 To Members Of Senate Committee On Aging

James Martin sends letter to Senator Craig: “As Chairman of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, you are a proven fighter for seniors. Accordingly, I’d like to bring to your attention legislation that, if enacted, would be very detrimental to the elderly.”

Attaboy, Mr. Ashcroft!

“Like most Americans, I have little patience with busybodies, whether they’re nosy neighbors, strangers conducting dinner-hour phone surveys, local police playing “gotcha” with red-light spy cams, or big brother in Washington,” says Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association.