Letter To Tommy Thompson

Letter To Tommy Thompson

The Honorable Tommy Thompson ,Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services “Dear Tommy:I really appreciated having the opportunity to present you as our honored guest Tuesday night at the 60 Plus Association’s 10th Anniversary dinner where we had an overflow crowd of 252 attendees; our goal was for 200.”

Imported Prescription Drugs Pose Potential Health Hazard

Given the litigious society we live in, Americans in recent years have become all too familiar with the various warnings we receive everyday. “Handle with care,” “keep out of reach of children,” and “don’t try this at home” have entered our lexicon. Sadly we may soon be seeing another warning label that reads “This medication may be hazardous to your health” on packages of prescription drugs.

According To The American Hospital Association, 126,000 Nursing Jobs Are Vacant At American Hospitals Right Now

Given the litigious society we live in, Americans in recent years have become all too familiar with the various warnings we receive everyday. “Handle with care,” “keep out of reach of children,” and “don’t try this at home” have entered our lexicon.

Sadly we may soon be seeing another warning label that reads “This medication may be hazardous to your health” on packages of prescription drugs.

Rights Wronged…Whose Life Is It, Anyway?

“As a kid growing up, I remember touch football games in the street…and nobody I knew was ever hit by a car. I recall playing atop heaps of landfill at what was then called the city dump…and none of us was ever sicker than the average child. I used to routinely ride perilously perched atop the handlebars of my uncle’s bicycle through the streets of Philadelphia. I hopped my fair share of moving trains…” recalls Ed Fulginiti, Communications Director of The 60 Plus Association

Death Tax Still Breathing

“The death tax was not killed yesterday, it was only wounded. It needs to have a wooden stake driven through its heart so that it will stay buried a fourth and final time.”

Promises Made…Promises Kept

“Among the many promises President George W. Bush made when he successfully ran for the Presidency in 2000, one was a prescription drug benefit plan for seniors. “He promised that he would work hard to provide a prescription drug benefit which would help senior citizens meet the escalating costs of medications. The President is delivering on that promise now, and senior citizens will greatly benefit from his efforts.

Pat Boone Joins The 60 Plus Association

World renowned entertainer, Pat Boone, has been named National Spokesperson for the 60 Plus Association, a rapidly growing senior citizen lobby entering its 11th year.

Jim Martin’s Testimony Before The President’s Commission On The Postal Service

Good afternoon. My name is Jim Martin and I’m the President of the 60 Plus Association, a national, 10-year-old nonpartisan seniors group headquartered in Arlington, VA.

60 Plus is one of the fastest growing seniors groups in the country. 60 Plus can now call on support from nearly 4.5 million citizen lobbyists to mail letters to Congress. 60 Plus publishes a newsletter, SENIOR VOICE, and a SCORECARD, bestowing a GUARDIAN OF SENIORS’ RIGHTS award on lawmakers in both parties who vote “pro-senior.”

Invest In The USA Act Needs To Pass

Last week, the “Invest in the USA Act” endorsed by the 60 Plus Association passed the Senate by a 3-1 margin. This measure would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to encourage the investment of foreign earnings within the United States for productive business investments and job creation.

Seniors — Especially Low-Income Seniors — Hurt

Jim Martin addresses Congress in Cannon House Office Building stating, “Seniors on fixed incomes are hurt every time the tax-and-spend crowd in Congress goes for — in the words of film and TV personality, Damon Wayans — “mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money.”