Optimistic…but be prepared

Optimistic…but be prepared

Totalitarianism: Government coordinated censorship, woke purging of voices, suppression of free speech, and politicization of too many government agencies are NOT a good thing. There is a very good article shared below …

Sen. Rick Scott’s Protect Our Seniors Act will keep politicians from stealing from Medicare

By Saul Anuzis Originally published in the Washington Times – https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/mar/1/sen-rick-scotts-protect-our-seniors-act-will-keep-/ There has been a lot of talk in Washington recently about Social Security and Medicare. We think that’s great and certainly better than the …

Open Letter To The House Rules Committee Of The 118th Congress

We are encouraged by the new rules an standard operating procedures of the House for the 118th Congress, which have already proven to be more open and inclusive of the legislative goals …

War on Ukraine – And now there are three!

Ukraine – One Year Ago Today: One year ago today, Russian thug Vladimir Putin launched the invasion of Ukraine. What he thought would take him days to accomplish has turned into a nightmare …

Open Letter to Congress: Pentagon Spending Should Be Part of Budget Cuts Discussion

On behalf of millions of Americans, the undersigned free-market organizations urge members of Congress to consider all areas of the budget in pursuit of potential savings in debt limit negotiations.  For too …

And now there are two

Republicans for President: And now there are two. Former Ambassador Nikki Haley joined former President Donald Trump as the first two officially announced candidates seeking the Republican nomination for president. Here is a …

Biden’s State of the Union Speech Was Embarrassing

“What is your ‘fair share’ of what someone else has worked for?” – Thomas Sowell “[America’s political] choice is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy.” …

Taxpayers and Seniors shouldn’t get stuck with the bill for poor procurement policies – A Mississippi Example

Mississippi is a warning on how bad procurement policy can cost seniors and taxpayers money when resources are tight. 60 Plus Association, American Association for Senior Citizens, wrote a letter to Brittney …

60 Plus Expresses Concern Over Mississippi’s Recent Medicaid Contracts

PRESS RELEASEFOR MORE INFORMATION:Saul Anuzis703-807-2070 ALEXANDRIA, VA (February 13, 2023) — 60 Plus Association, American Association for Senior Citizens, wrote a letter to Brittney Thompson, Director of Mississippi’s Public Procurement Review Board, …

Congressman John James Introduces the Protecting Social Security and Medicare Act

Today Representative John James (R-MI) announced on Twitter: “This morning on @wjrradio I announced I’d be dropping my 1st bill: the Protecting Social Security & Medicare Act. And, well I just did! …