Patriotic Reflections On Memorial Day
James L. Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, celebrates Memorial Day: “This coming Monday, we’ll celebrate Memorial Day for the 32nd time since it was officially made a federal holiday in 1971.
Considering what we celebrate when we mark this event, it goes without saying that no one year is ever more important than another. For each time we commemorate those who gave their all in support of this great country and what we hold dear, we remember a lot of sadness and pain. Every year’s celebration is a hurt; freedom’s toll is a heavy burden.”
Adulterated Pharmaceuticals Pose Huge Risks
Recent radio, TV and newspaper accounts only lend credibility to what the 60 Plus Association has been saying for more than two years now: drugs that enter the United States from outside our borders and without the strict regulation of our Food and Drug Administration cannot be trusted.
Dems’ Filibuster Of Estrada Is Obstruction Of The First Order
Today, May 9th, marks the two-year anniversary of President Bush’s nomination of Miguel A. Estrada to fill a vacancy on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Two years ago, the 60 Plus Association said ‘Bravo!’ when that nomination was first announced.
Letter To Congressman Thomas On The Tax Reduction Bill
Letter to Hon. William M. Thomas, United States House of Representatives regarding Tax Cut Working Group and A Coalition For Lower Taxes And Limited Government
Pro-Tax-Cut Leadership Lauded By Seniors
The 60 Plus Association had seniors fanning-out across Capitol Hill for visits with their elected officials in support of President Bush’s remarks at a U.S. Chamber of Commerce briefing this morning in their Hall of Flags, across the street from the White House. The President spoke passionately for his jobs and growth tax relief package, declaring the need for “robust tax relief.”
Medicare Reform’s Foolhardy Foes
Washington Times, May 1, 2003 article by James L. Martin “Enemies of Medicare modernization are just as adept at psychological warfare as the U.S. military — maybe even more so, since they have more actual field experience.
If there was some good reason, beyond nostalgia, for preventing reform of the creaking health-care system for America’s seniors, their behavior might be understandable. But Medicare is a financial catastrophe and human tragedy in the making. And blocking reform is a sure guarantee that today’s worst-case scenario will become tomorrow’s worst-case reality.”
Seniors Embrace Legislation To Stimulate Economy
The 60 Plus Association heartily endorses the “Homeland Investment Act of 2003” for its intention to lower taxes on foreign profits earned by domestic companies abroad.
Alzheimer’s Respite Care…
The 60 Plus Association salutes the U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) and Assistant Secretary on Aging Josefina G. Carbonell for support in findings released in a new book based on a study of respite care and Alzheimer’s disease.
Dividend Repeal Is Dividend Appeal, Pt. II
The 60 Plus Association strongly embraces the President’s reassertion of the need to end double taxation on dividends.
Social Security Double Dare
“If Republicans are smart (and the book is still open on this), they’ll do everything they can over the next two years to entice Democrats to attack the GOP’s Social Security reform ideas,” says Hugh C. Newton, a veteran Washington communications executive, and a political consultant to many conservative policy groups including the 60 Plus Association, a grassroots senior citizens’ lobby and BAMPAC, Black America’s Political Action Committee.