Cheney Speech To US Chamber Of Commerce…

Cheney Speech To US Chamber Of Commerce…

In his January 9th remarks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, V.P. Richard B. Cheney cited the President’s call for permanent — and immediate — tax relief for all Americans. Of note to the 60 Plus Association were the Vice President’s remarks for ending the Death Tax, once and for all.

Savings For Seniors Key Feature Of Bush Economic Plan

In his January 7 remarks to the Economic Club of Chicago, President Bush articulated his vision for stimulating the economy. Americans are due to receive tax relief in 2004 and 2006 via legislation already passed by Congress in 2001. But the President’s call for making all tax rate cuts effective immediately will boost the economy today — now — in 2003 — when the shot in the arm will be most effective.


Roger Zion states, “About 20 years ago President Ronald Reagan asked me to serve as his Chairman of the Synfuels Corporation in Washington in the wake of a close to $100 billion appropriation by the Democratic Congress to build a massive synfuels effort in view of the quadrupling of oil prices, the oil embargo– the lines at all the gas stations, etc.”

Happy Birthday Senator Thurmond

Sen. Strom Thurmond (R- South Carolina) has been named a “Senior Solon of the Century” by a national seniors organization, the 60 Plus Association.

Career Story For 60 Plus Association’s Hugh Newton Graces Front Page Of Washington Times, Friday, October 11, 2002

Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association of Arlington, Virginia, expressed pride over an in-depth, front-page story about Hugh Newton from the October 11th edition of the Washington Times. Martin stated, “People who knew Hugh from 30 years as a PR ‘flack’ with the Heritage Foundation, as well as those he continues to work with today on behalf of the 60 Plus Association, will no doubt find as much pleasure as I did when they read the fine piece by Times Reporter Scott Galupo.”

HMO’s Greed Hurts Allergy Sufferers

Managed care organizations are conducting an orchestrated campaign to discriminate against allergy sufferers — largely in an effort to increase their own bottom line, according to the 60 Plus Association.

Have They No Shame?

Statement by 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin responding to Democratic email, including a cartoon video depicting President Bush pushing seniors’ in wheelchairs down a path ‘…toward destruction.’ “Have they no shame? This is sick, in fact, sickening. To imply that President Bush or anybody else will send old folks in wheelchairs to the poor house by harming Social Security is not only deceitful but it’s totally dishonest.”

Special Action Alert From The 60 Plus Association And CARE

Dear 60 Plus Association Advocate: Key members of the U.S. House and Senate are faced with an issue of critical importance to the Nation — passing national energy legislation. In order for America to ensure both national and economic security, affordable and reliable and supplies of energy must be available to businesses and individual consumers. Unless Congress acts now by adopting an effective national energy strategy, our economy, our jobs, and our way of life could be jeopardized.

Event: 60 Plus Association Social Security Press Conference

Live From The National Press Club In Washington, DC- Saving The System For The 21St Centur. Panelists: Dr. Rudolph G. Penner, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute, former Director, Congressional Budget Office, Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform, Phyllis Berry Myers, President, Centre for New Black Leadership. Moderators: Jim Martin and Roger Zion, President and Chairman, 60 Plus Association Time: 1:30-2:30 pm, August 14, 2002 Place: The Holeman Lounge, National Press Club

Hatch-Waxman: “If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It”

The 60 Plus Association, representing over a half-million seniors, strongly opposes S. 812, sponsored by Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and John McCain (R-AZ). S. 812 seeks to make changes to the existing Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, which created a thriving generic drug market. There now exists a well balanced market for generic as well as brand drugs, therefore this legislation is not needed and in fact is bad medicine for seniors. It reminds me of the old saying, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’