H.R. 8, The Death Tax Elimination Act

H.R. 8, The Death Tax Elimination Act

The United States House of Representatives passed by a vote of 274-154, H.R. 8, The Death Tax Elimination Act, which repeals over the next decade the death tax (or estate and gift tax).

Martin Represents Seniors At Three Recent Rose Garden Events

Jim Martin, President of 60 Plus, was an invited guest at three major White House events in the past week, all held in the Rose Garden and all featuring talks by President Bush.

Statement On The Retirement Of Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC)

The United States Senate will lose some of its luster when Senator Jesse Helms retires.

$60 Tax Then: $9,969.60 Tax Now

The head of the first national senior citizens organization to call for personalization of the 66-year-old Social Security system today called on Congressional Democrats to “stop scaring seniors for political gain.”

5th Annual Forum On Social Security Reform

The head of the first national senior citizens organization to call for a major overhaul of the Social Security system today urged Congress to “move boldly into the 21st century to save Social Security for future retirees.” 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin hosted his group’s 5th annual forum on the 66th anniversary of the system signed into law on this date in 1935 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Social Security Is 66!

Should The System Be Privatized? Fifth Annual Forum sponsored by the 60 Plus Association

Bush Pal Around For Long Haul

James L. Martin shares not only the President’s easygoing attitude and southernaccent, but also his get-it-done management style. It was 1968, and James L. Martin was running a tough campaign to elect Florida’s Ed Gurney to Congress. Needing some extra help, Mr. Martin hired the 22-year-old son of a Texas congressman who had little experience but plenty of energy.

President Bush Delivering On A Promise

President George W. Bush’s new framework to improve Medicare is a step in the right direction for America’s seniors. During the 2000 presidential campaign, then-Gov. Bush spent a lot of time talking about the need to reform Medicare to provide 21st-century health care to America’s seniors. Now, just six months into his presidency, President Bush has delivered on his promise.

Crying For Reform

White House critics are shocked, just shocked, that President Bush has named people who agree with him to a new commission that’s supposed to redesign Social Security so the program provides a decent retirement for future generations.

Dubya And Buddha

“Hi Buddha, thanks for the birthday card!” President George W. Bush shouted to Jim Martin, president of the 60 Plus Association, during yesterday’s Rose Garden Ceremony to announce a prescription-drug benefit for senior citizens.