No Red Wave – Why???
Why?: We expected a “red wave.” The polling showed our momentum, the Democrats had a horrible record, financially we were competitive – although outspent…and yet we may barely cobble together a majority in the …
Democrats are Desperate – Democrats are Lying
“When all the objectives of government include the achievement of equality – other than equality before the law – that government poses a threat to liberty.” ~Margaret Thatcher “Republicans did win the …
Pissed Off and Voting!
Pissed Off: Americans are pissed off and it’s the Democrat’s policies that are causing the pain most voters across our country feel. Americans are PISSED OFF at higher gas prices at the pump …
Are we better off today than we were before Democrats took control?
Better Off: The age old question that comes up in every election… Are we better off today than we were before Democrats took control? The answer today is a resounding NO! Inflation is up. …
The False Claim that Senate Republicans ‘plan to end Social Security and Medicare’
“Republicans plan to end Social Security and Medicare if they take back the Senate.” — Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), in a tweet, Sept. 25 When an election campaign enters its final weeks, year after year, …
Coalition Writes in Opposition to Anti-Competitive Project Labor Agreement Rule
The undersigned organizations, representing a diverse coalition of taxpayer, free market, and consumer groups, write to express our opposition to the proposed anti-competitive rule regarding the use of Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) for federal …
Inflation Sucks – Gas prices too high – Grocery prices too high!
Democrats & Biden’s Inflation Numbers: Thanks to the liberal, progressive policies of the Democrats here is a partial list of price increases for every American family: 42.9% airline fares 33.1% utility gas 30.5% …
Why Democrats Are Losing
Why Democrats Are Losing: The narrative that the progressive left wing of the Democrat party has gone too far is starting to resonate across the country. When folks ask why, I say: …
60 Plus proudly endorses Congressman Don Bacon
60 Plus proudly endorses Congressman Don Bacon for his steadfast commitment to Seniors. We know he will continue to fight with us to preserve and protect Social Security and Medicare.
If You Earned It – You Deserve It. Our Support for 4750/H.R. 8594, the “Restore Protections for Dialysis Patients Act.”
The Honorable Robert MenendezUnited States Senate528 Hart Senate Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Danny DavisU.S. House of Representatives1029 Longworth House Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Bill CassidyUnited States Senate520 Hart …