60 Plus proudly endorses Congressman Don Bacon

60 Plus proudly endorses Congressman Don Bacon

60 Plus proudly endorses Congressman Don Bacon for his steadfast commitment to Seniors.  We know he will continue to fight with us to preserve and protect Social Security and Medicare.

If You Earned It – You Deserve It. Our Support for 4750/H.R. 8594, the “Restore Protections for Dialysis Patients Act.”

The Honorable Robert MenendezUnited States Senate528 Hart Senate Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Danny DavisU.S. House of Representatives1029 Longworth House Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Bill CassidyUnited States Senate520 Hart …

60 Plus Endorses Andy Ogles for Congress

The 60 Plus Association, American Association of Senior Citizens, proudly announces our endorsement of Andy Ogles in the fine state of Tennessee. Andy will be a fighter in Congress and work with …

60 Plus Endorses Amanda Adkins for Congress in the State of Kansas

We are pleased to announce our endorsement of Amanda Adkins for Congress in the state of Kansas. She will fight for Seniors and work with us to protect Social Security & Medicare!

60 Plus Endorses Harriet Hageman in Wyoming

The 60 Plus Association proudly endorses Harriet Hageman for Congress in the state of Wyoming.  We are confident that she will fight with us to preserve and protect Social Security & Medicare!

60 Plus Endorses Cassy Garcia for Congress

The 60 Plus Association, American Association of Senior Citizens, proudly endorses Cassy Garcia for Congress in the 28th district in the great state of Texas!  She will make a great Congresswoman!

Democrats try to deflect… weekly bills remind voters!

It’s Still “The Economy Stupid”: Americans feel the pain and effects of Biden & Democrats failed policies EVERY day, EVERY week. –         Overall gas prices at the pump are up –         Weekly grocery prices are …

Senator John Barrasso

Senator John Barrasso the chairman of the Senate Republican Conference from the great state of Wyoming with Saul Anuzis recently.  They discussed how best to help Seniors dealing with inflation and high …

Rep. Elise Stefanik

60 Plus President Saul Anuzis with chair of the House Republican Conference Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York.  She is a champion for protecting and preserving Social Security & Medicare!  Keep up …

Conservatives Oppose Funding The Far-left’s Agenda In The Lame Duck

Conservatives must not agree to send any more money to fund the Biden administration’s radical, inflationary agenda – not now, and not in a lame duck session. It is clear that congressional …