45+ Free-Market Groups and Activists Urge Republicans To Reject Klobuchar Antitrust Bill
Today, Americans for Tax Reform and a coalition of 46 free-market groups and activists urged Republican lawmakers to reject the “American Innovation and Choice Online Act” sponsored by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.). …
Voter Fraud and Democrat’s Losing Agenda
Voter Fraud: An interesting analysis is attached at the end of this week’s newsletter showing there was some voter fraud, but nowhere near enough to change the results of the last presidential election. …
Funding a Second Engine for the F-35 Won’t Fly With Taxpayers
July 12, 2022 Dear Representatives and Senators, We, the undersigned organizations representing taxpayers across the nation, urge you toproceed with extreme caution when considering proposals to spend more money on the F-35 …
The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission100 F St NE, Washington D.C. 2059-1090RE: [Release Nos.33-11042; 34-94478: File No. S7-10-22]June 17, 2022 On behalf of millions of senior citizens represented by the 60 Plus Association, …
Progressive Liberals Use Planned Chaos… A Bad Strategy
“Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance” – Albert Einstein Planned Chaos from the Biden Administration: There is no other conclusion one can draw from the actions of the Biden Administration and …
60 Plus Association Statement on Prescription Drug Pricing Reforms in Reconciliation Package
Washington, DC (July 7, 2022) – 60 Plus Association issued the following statement in response to lawmakers’ introduction of harmful prescription drug pricing reforms in its reconciliation package:“The recently proposed drug pricing …
Happy 4th of July – But it will cost you!
Happy 4th of July: Still the greatest country and earth. Sure, we have our failings and challenges, but we still live in the greatest country on earth. Think about it, it’s the only country in …
Democrats Policies = Inflation – Shady Politics 101
Democrat Billionaires Fund State Elections – Where are the Republican/Conservatives?: Please read the Washington Post article below. Liberals are very good at motivating their base of donors to fund Democrat’s campaigns. Where are our …
Happy Father’s Day
Biden’s Inflation: President Biden and his left-wing progressive allies Pelosi and Schumer are taxing every American beyond belief with inflation. Biden’s inflation is the most unfair tax of all…because the low and middle …
J.R. Majewski
American Association of Senior Citizens President Saul Anuzis speaking with Ohio Congressional candidate J.R. Majewski about how to protect Medicare and Social Security for Seniors who are on a fixed income.