ATR Leads Coalition Opposing Increased Funding for the IRS

ATR Leads Coalition Opposing Increased Funding for the IRS

Today, Americans for Tax Reform led a coalition letter in opposition to any increased funding for the Internal Revenue Service. Democrats have repeatedly called for increasing the IRS budget and are now looking to …

Ukraine Still Stands – Many Frustrated by Biden’s Half Measures

“So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. continued. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller …

New York State Assemblymen Colin Schmitt

60 Plus President Saul Anuzis speaks with New York State Assemblymen Colin Schmitt prior to presenting him with the coveted Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award.

Music Legend Pat Boone Sings Praises Of Colin Schmitt

Legendary entertainer Pat Boone, National Spokesman for the 60 Plus Association, announced today that New York State Assemblymen Colin Schmitt has earned the Association’s Guardian of Seniors’ Rights award. In a statement …

Putin Commits War Crimes and Should Be Prosecuted

“The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.”-Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, refusing to be evacuated Russia Needs to Stop: Ukraine has EVERY right to self-determination. Russia needs to STOP being the …

Ohio U.S. Senate candidate Mike Gibbons

Ohio U.S. Senate candidate Mike Gibbons discussing protecting Social Security and Medicare with 60 Plus Chairman Saul Anuzis and 60 Plus Board Member & former National ALEC Chairman Ray Haynes at the …

Russiagate-Clintongate worse than Watergate – Mainstream Media Hiding!

Too Far: Polls are showing Americans across the country believe the Democrats have gone too far. Liberal policies on mask mandates, boys playing in girls sports, defunding the police, and the list …

Social Security Guarantee Act

Right now, Congress has NO legal obligation to pay back what you and I have paid into Social Security – a mandatory deduction from our hard-earned paychecks we’ve paid for years and …

Coalition Letter by 37 Groups Supporting the Right of Veterans to Choose Their Consultation and Representation as They Navigate a Confusing System

The Honorable Mark TakanoChairman                                                                                House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs The Honorable Jon TesterChairmanSenate Committee on Veterans Affairs The Honorable Mike BostRanking MemberHouse Veterans Affairs Committee The Honorable Jerry MoranRanking MemberSenate Committee on Veterans …

‘We are not safe anymore’ – Democratic Policies Are a Disaster

Biden’s Folly: EVERY unvaccinated employee fired due to Democratic mandates deserves their job back…with back pay! Bottom Line: We have the worst inflation in 4 decades, skyrocketing crime, and 2 million illegal border crossings. (Not …