Florida State Rep Anthony Sabatini
Saul Anuzis discusses protecting Florida seniors with Rep Anthony Sabatini after presenting him with the coveted Legislator of the Month award.
Biden and Who’s Running in 2024
“Biden said inflation was transitory, but it’s not. He said illegal immigration was seasonal, but it isn’t. He said paying money 2 illegal immigrants was garbage but it’s true. He said US …
Medicare needs to eliminate cost sharing for needed vaccines
Seniors deserve protection from infectious disease By Saul Anuzis and Jim Martin – – Monday, November 8, 2021 The Medicare Part D program has been a case study for a successful program that has relied …
Parents Are Taking Back America
“The assumption that spending more of the taxpayers’ money will make things better has survived all kind of evidence that has made things worse.” – Thomas Sowell Parents vs Radical Left: Parents, independents, …
Florida Congressman Vern Buchanan
60 Plus Founder & Chairman Jim Martin with Florida Congressman Vern Buchanan during a break during Fridays voting. Fighting for seniors every day!
60 Plus supports the Senior Citizens’ Freedom to Work Act, S.3101
Download the letter here Dear Senators Scott and Rubio: On behalf of more than five million senior supporters of 60 Plus, the American Association of Senior Citizens, we are writing in support …
The Big Lie – $3.5 Trillion = ZERO
“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.” – Frédéric Bastiat “It is not true that Congress spends money …
Biden Keeps Repeating “The Big Lie”
President Joe Biden keeps insisting that his infrastructure bill will cost “zero” dollars. The White House tweeted this claim again on October 17th: Michael Boskin wrote an Op-ed on MSN entitled “Biden …
Democrats Are Trying to Make a Trillion Sound “Normal”
So How Much is a Trillion?!?: If only Democrats could count. The guys at @trumedia on Tik Tok made the following observation. How may days, in SECONDS, would it take you to count to …