Tough Times for Democrats Ahead As America Wakes Up

Tough Times for Democrats Ahead As America Wakes Up

Democrats Back to Tax & Spend Policies: Democrats at the national and state level are trying to jam through MORE debt, MORE spending, MORE taxes and OPEN borders…and Americans are starting to see …

Congressman Bob Good

Chairman Jim Martin with Congressman Bob Good at an event on Capitol Hill. What a pro senior legislator!

The Power of the Senior Vote!

The senior vote is always the deciding factor in elections whether they be Congressional or Presidential and the 60 Plus Association understands this value & has the ability to harness the raw …

Pat Boone – Our “Secret Weapon”

Remember those old movies where a military force would brag about a “secret weapon” that would ensure their success? Well, the 60 Plus Association has a tried and true secret weapon of …

Public Service Announcements

Pure Senior Advocacy Nothing says advocacy like a Public Service Announcement and nobody delivers a PSA like Pat Boone!  As a trusted voice, Pat can communicate an effective message that will resonate …

120+ Organizations, Activists Oppose Democrats’ Tax Hikes on Working Families and Small Businesses

ATR today led a coalition of over 120 center-right organizations, activists, and state lawmakers in opposition to the numerous tax hikes on American families and businesses included in the $3.5 trillion reckless tax-and spend …

Censorship is a Bad Idea – On the Right AND On the Left

“If you are serious about wanting to improve education, do not vote more money for the education establishment that has been dumbing down the schools for years. Vote for vouchers, tax credits, …

9-11 – Have you Forgotten?!?

9-11 Tribute: Have you forgotten…how you felt that day. God Bless America! –Saul Anuzis 60 Plus Weekly Video Rewind Big Government threatens the consumer drug market with price control scheme, Democrats confident …

Disaster on Multiple Fronts

Biden’s Disasters: It just keeps getting worse.  The degree of incompetence in the Administration is mind boggle. Biden blew the retreat from Afghanistan. Biden left 100-250 Americans behind?!? Really??? Biden’s policies are bringing back …

They Gave the Ultimate Sacrifice So Others Could Be Free

IMPEACH BIDEN: There is no other way to describe what has just taken place in Kabul than utter incompetence. Other words being used are: Biden’s Saigon, Biden’s Bay of Pigs, Biden’s Kill …