Democrats Play Politics Instead of Cooperating During Crisis
Politics As Usual: Here we are, a country at risk from a pandemic the world has never seen in our lifetime…and the Democrats just want to keep playing politics. They politicize getting aid …
Seniors Resent Politics of Death
Few people have worked as hard or as effectively as entertainer Pat Boone to motivate seniors to exercise their rights as citizens on Election Day. Rest assured that Pat and 60 Plus …
ATR Leads Coalition In Support Of Expanding 529 Accounts
Americans for Tax Reform has released a coalition letter in support of expanding 529 education savings accounts as part of the COVID-19 response. As Americans all across the country are self-isolating, students have been …
Important PSA from Pat Boone
We know this coronavirus has our first responders – sheriff deputies, police officers and EMTs – in harm’s way and in desperate need of life-saving personal protection equipment. They need masks, disposable …
China Did Nothing Wrong?!
Democrats HATE Trump So Much…: See the article about Senator Chis Murphy below. The Democrats are so hell bent on blaming anything and everything on President Trump that they will go on …
Blessed Easter & Our Crazy World
Easter Sunday: As Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Christ, we all pray for a quick end to this pandemic. As families spend more time together than normal, we get …
ATR Leads Coalition Opposed To Proposed “Buy American” Mandate
Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist led a letter of 32 signatories in opposition to any proposal to impose “Buy American” mandates on medicines. If implemented, a Buy American mandate would disrupt …
Let’s All Be Careful Out There
Coronavirus: Be smart. Pay attention to the advice health care professionals are giving. Be diligent about your habits. Do your part to help. This is serious and should be taken seriously. It’s …
60 Plus Assoc ask CMS Administrator Seema Verma to the 2021 Rate Setting to ensure that seniors are not made doubly vulnerable as a result of COVID-19
March 31, 2020 Seema Verma, MPH Administrator Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 445-G Washington, DC 20201 Dear Administrator Verma: Thank …
Democrats Blackmail America
Wuhan Chinese Pandemic: Be smart. Pay attention to the advice health care professionals are giving. Be diligent about your habits. Do your part to help. This is serious and should be taken …