Seniors Hardest Hit by HR 3

Seniors Hardest Hit by HR 3

Pelosi bill on prescription drugs would bring discovery to “A screeching halt” 60 Plus Association and American Association of Senior Citizens Founder and Chairman James Martin today issued the following statement regarding …


December 6, 2019Washington, D.C. Congress should protect our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, not threaten our most basic rights. The Fairness for All Act is a direct threat to First Amendment rights, and lawmakers …

Trump’s Crimes?!?

Warning: Consider this…if they can do this to the President, just think what they can do to you and me. This politicization of law enforcement and intelligence agencies should worry EVERY American. Impeachment Crimes…what …

Lifting the Burden of the Affordable Care Act

The Honorable Mitch McConnell Majority Leader United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Kevin McCarthy Minority Leader U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Majority Leader McConnell and Minority Leader …

Impeachment Blowing UP with NO Facts

“Recall” and Memory an “new” Impeachable Offense: The Democrats frustrated by their Ukrainian quid pro quo/bribery case falling apart as NO one provide first hand knowledge or evidence of a bribe, blackmail or …

Democrat’s Impeachment Still Just About Opinions & Impressions

How Political Is the Democrat’s Impeachment:  Their actions and media campaign is so blatant, it’s hard to ignore. Just out, the Democrats are switching “language” from “quid pro quo” to embrace the term …

Letter to President Trump Regarding Big Insurance

Dear Mr. President:                            November 13, 2019 The 60 Plus Association has been advocating on senior’s behalf since 1992 and with 5 million senior supporters nationally we would like to bring an …

Jail Time

Jail Time: We are starting to hear conversations and see op-eds written about the idea that if the Russia investigation was nothing more than a political hoax to actually be an “insurance” policy …

Impeachment Games!?!

Democrats Evidence Grows: The Democrats seemed excited by all the hearsay, opinions not to mention second and third hand “observations” folks have shared during their secret Soviet style show trial hearings. Kind of …

Due Process, Fairness and Transparency

Impeachment – Intent vs Results: Maybe, just maybe the President was sloppy and talked about something that implied “intent” to do something that could have been illegal…but it NEVER happened.The question is, is …