USMCA Helps Seniors by Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

USMCA Helps Seniors by Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

IP provisions ensure, ‘robust and innovative’ pharmaceutical industry ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (October 25, 2019) – 60 Plus Association President Saul Anuzis issued the following statement regarding ratification of the United States Mexico Canada …

Graham Resolution Reflects Liberal Danger to Democracy

House investigation ‘a farce permeated by the stench of tyranny’ ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (October 25, 2019) – 60 Plus Association, and American Association of Senior Citizens Founder and Chairman James Martin today issued the …

Oppose Pelosi’s Price Controls Support Rep. Arrington’s Plan To Provide Immediate Relief to Seniors!

Speaker Pelosi’s bill on prescription drugs is a giant step toward government control of the pharmaceutical industry. Through heavy handed tactics, confiscatory taxation and retroactive penalties, the Pelosi plan ultimately seeks to …

Impeachment Appears to Be Backfiring

Impeachment Transparency: Politics is tearing our country apart. There is plenty of blame to go around, it’s a bipartisan mess. But the looney left is stooping to new lows and is doing what it can …

End The Witch Hunt!!!

Political Impeachment: With no “proof” of any wrongdoing, just “not liking” what the President is doing, partisan, left wing Democrats continue this charade and waste of taxpayer dollars. American voters deserve better. …

TPA Leads Coalition of 31 Groups Telling Sen. McConnell to Oppose Any “Green New Deal” Legislation

October 8, 2019 The Honorable Mitch McConnell United States Senate 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Senator McConnell: On behalf of millions of taxpayers and consumers across the country, the …

The Democrat’s Politics of Impeachment is Falling Apart

Impeachment Backfiring: The American people are growing old of the impeachment politics from the left. The day after President Trump was elected, liberal Democrats have started their “resist” program (hurting average Americans) and …


October 7, 2019Washington, D.C. Conservatives denounce efforts by congressional Democrats to abuse the impeachment process for blatantly political ends. Under the Constitution, impeachment is a remedy to address the grave offenses of …

Seniors Cheer Trump’s Medicare Plan

“The atmosphere in the audience in The Villages was electric” THE VILLAGES, Florida (October 3, 2019) – 60 Plus Association, and American Association of Senior Citizens Founder and Chairman James Martin today …

Improvements to Medicare Will Help Seniors

Older Americans “Will like what they see Martin Predicts,” in Trump’s Medicare Plan THE VILLAGES, Florida (October 3, 2019) – 60 Plus Association, and American Association of Senior Citizens Founder and Chairman …