Conservative Groups Oppose Any Effort To Roll Back Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Conservative Groups Oppose Any Effort To Roll Back Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The Honorable Richard Neal Chairman House Ways and Means Committee United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Kevin Brady Ranking Member House Ways and Means Committee United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Chairman Neal and Ranking Member Brady: We write in opposition to any effort to roll back the…

Obama’s Spygate is Unacceptable!

Happy Fathers Day: …a responsibility to love, nurture and care for the next generation! Spygate & Obamagate: More and more information, emails and records are coming up that show that the Obama Administration weaponized the IRS, FBI, CIA and others for partisan, political motives. This should be unacceptable to EVERYONE, regardless of party or candidate…

President Trump Expands Health Insurance Options While Lowering Costs

Millions to Benefit From New Rules on Health Reimbursement Arrangements 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman James Martin today issued the following statement in support of the Trump administration’s new rules expanding the availability of Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) for small businesses and employees: “President Trump is righting a wrong from the previous administration by…

Time to Rein In Proxy Advisors

Older Americans who have built their nest eggs with a mix of investments including stocks are likely familiar with periodic proxy ballots that arrive in the mail. Publicly traded companies must allow shareholders to vote on certain changes or additions to their corporate operations and governance, and the proxy ballot allows shareholders to exercise that…

Obama’s “Spygate” is starting to look a lot like Watergate

Spygate: “Until 2016, just about everyone agreed that it was a bad thing for government intelligence or law enforcement agencies to spy —use informants — on a political campaign, especially one of the opposition party. Liberals were especially suspicious of the FBI and the CIA. Nowadays they say that anyone questioning their good faith is…

Spygate Pointing to Obama

Spygate: Everything that is now coming out and all the disclosures of who knew ‘what-when’ points to the fact that the Obama Administration, (if not President Obama himself) politicized government agencies for purely partisan purposes. This may become the greatest scandal of our Republic… unfolding before our very eyes. The left and deep state establishment…

Memorial Day: Always Remember… And Be Thankful

Never forget to sacrifices so many made for our precious freedoms! God Bless America! Obama Must Be Scared: As President Trump promised to declassify information about the politicized Russian Collusion Investigation, Speaker Pelosi declared: “We believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States”. The Obama Administration is about…

Trump Standing Tall – Fighting Back?!

America is Paying Attention?!: The poll numbers are telling. The American people are finally growing tired of the “fake news.” The blatant politicization of the mainstream media is backfiring on the left. Average Americans are growing tired of the “resist” movement that has one and only one goal in mind, to stop this President. The…

Democrats Cheap Political Gamesmanship – Sad

Run John, Run! John James for the U.S. Senate in Michigan! A great candidate who ran an impressive race in a very tough year last time around. With President Trump at the top of the ticket, John James could very easily be Michigan’s next United States Senator! House Democrat’s Absurd Contempt Ploy: Pure politics!!! As…

Democratic “Stalker”

Spygate Becoming a Big Problem for Democrats: The Democrats are losing it! The Democratic hacks on the left don’t know what to do. Their super star prosecutor Mueller spent millions to take down President Trump and failed. NO Collusion and NO Obstruction. Now what can they spin. The economy is booming at record levels Obama…