The Intolerant Looney Left

The Intolerant Looney Left

A bunch of Catholic High School kids come to DC to participate in a pro-life demonstration and get accosted by some guy with a drum. The mainstream media immediately jumps on the boys because they are wearing MAGA hats. The irony (free speech) and double standard that exists with unbelievably biased media is astounding. How…

Government Shutdown

The Democrats are playing political hardball. They clearly don’t care if there is a wall or is not a wall. They voted FOR it before. They just want to inflict as much political pain on President Trump as the can. I think its backfiring on Democrats. No offers of compromise, running off to Puerto Rico…

A New Congress

Well things are changing. Speaker Pelosi will be driving the House Democrats agenda. So far it sounds like investigations, impeachment and/or obstructionism. The good news is that the membership in Congress has also changed. Maybe, just maybe, with all the new freshmen we might find some “renegades” amongst the Democrats who are actually willing to…

Comstock Bill Moves to Protect Seniors from Another HIT to Their Pocketbook

Seniors Leader Praises Action to Provide Relief for Medicare Families ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (January 31, 2018) – 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder Jim Martin Tuesday issued the following statement in regard to …

President Trump’s First Year

“Promises Made, Promises Kept” Alexandria, Virginia (January 24, 2018 – 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder James Martin today called President Donald Trump’s first year in office, “one of the most dynamic …

Just Say ‘NO!’ To Taxpayer-Funded Sexual Harassment Hush Money

60 Plus Leadership Urges Grassroots Support For Bill To End Congressional Sexual Harassment Hush Fund ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (January 19, 2018) – 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder Jim Martin Friday issued the …

Plant Vogtle Approval Signals “Reclaiming America’s Leadership Role in Nuclear Power”

Seniors’ leader commends “bold and courageous vote” to complete project ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (December 22, 2017) – 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman James Martin issued the following statement Friday regarding the Plant …

Pat Boone: Trump Keeps Promise of America By Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia – 60 Plus Association National Spokesman Pat Boone issued the following statement in response to the decision to relocate the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.   “In announcing plans to …

Rumors Flying that the Swamp May Betray Seniors

The Chairman’s Blog 12/5/17  Troubling rumors are swirling in the Swamp that Congress may allow the Obamacare health insurance tax on Medicare to return in 2018. 60 Plus has been campaigning on …

Coalition Calls on Congress to Stabilize Commodity and Food Prices

60 Plus Leads Charge for Free-Market Reforms to Global Sugar Trade ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (November 16, 2017) – 60 Plus, the nation’s largest conservative group representing the interests of seniors, today asked Member …