Coalition Letter: Free Market, November 2017

Coalition Letter: Free Market, November 2017

November 16, 2017 Download the PDF Dear Congressman: One of the biggest fears facing low-income families and seniors living on a fixed income is the rising price of food. To the extent …

Grieving Families, “Not Bargaining Chips”

Seniors Leader Urges Senate GOP to Stay True on Death Tax ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA (October 11, 2017) – 60 Plus Founder and Chairman James Martin Wednesday issued the following statement on tax reform …

60 Plus Chairman Blasts “Fake” AARP Study

60 Plus Chairman Blasts “Fake” AARP Study Martin Decries “Obamacare Cronies” Protecting Their Profits ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA (September 22, 2017) – 60-Plus Founder and Chairman James Martin Friday issued the following statement in …

The Senate Must Right this Wrong Now

A $500 Annual Tax increase on Seniors Not Acceptable ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (September 19, 2017) — 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman Jim Martin is asking Republican Senators Lindsey Graham (SC) and Bill …

The Outdated U.S. Tax Code

September 6, 2017 The Honorable Kevin Brady 1011 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Congressman Brady, The outdated U.S. tax code, last overhauled more than three decades ago, has rendered …

60 Plus Joins Forces With Conservatives Nationwide to Push for Tax Reform

Statement by 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman Jim Martin on Signing the Middle Class Growth Initiative Letter to Congress ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (September 6, 2017 — 60 Plus Association Founder and Chairman …

Chairman Jim Martin On the Gary Nolan Show

Click right here to listen to 60 Plus’s Chairman Jim Martin talk about the Death Tax and AARP’s greed on Gary Nolan’s radio show last Friday. Fast Forward to the 29:00 minute …

The Latest in AARP’s Greed and Duplicity

The Latest in AARP’s Greed and Duplicity James Martin July 20, 2017, 12:05 am Surprise, surprise, another Republican crony lobbyist leads the way in distorting Obamacare repeal. Not since the notorious ‘Granny …

Elizabeth Warren’s Deceptive Over-the-Counter Hearing-Aid Bill

Jim Martin’s Op-Ed in the National Review: It pretends to help consumers but instead misleads them to help big business. The ongoing debate over Obamacare repeal is the talk of the town …

Ed Feulner Gives Credit to 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin’s Fight for Death Tax Repeal

COMMENTARY BY Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D. June 9, 2017 Edwin J. Feulner is the founder and president of The Heritage Foundation. The death tax — the penalty families have to pay …