Obama Climate Change Report Causes Seniors, Poorer Americans to Sweat Over Their Health

Obama Climate Change Report Causes Seniors, Poorer Americans to Sweat Over Their Health

Jim Martin: “The President is ignoring an inconvenient truth: coal saves lives!” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, America’s largest right-leaning seniors organization representing more than 7.2 million older Americans, today …

Statement from the 60 Plus Association on EPA Secretary McCarthy Acknowledging Feds Can’t Withhold Highway Funds

(Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, the nation’s largest right-leaning seniors organization with over 7.2 million supporters today issued a statement through Chairman Jim Martin regarding EPA Secretary Gina McCarthy’s statement …

60 Plus Statement on the Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness Act

Senior citizens may be late to the digital party, but they are using new communications technologies such as smart phones and broadband Internet like never before. They have come to rely on …

Senate Budget Proposal Protects America’s Seniors and Restores Opportunity for Future Generations

(Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, America’s largest center-right seniors group with over 7.2 million supporters, today issued a statement in support of the budget proposal of Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), …

Death Tax Repeal Long Overdue

It’s way past time this “temporary” tax was permanently gone! Statement from Jim Martin, Chairman, the 60 Plus Association Given on the occasion of the introduction of the Death Tax Repeal Act …

Seniors Group Stands Behind Dumping the Doc Fix

(Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, America’s largest center-right seniors group with over 7.2 million supporters, today endorsed bi-partisan congressional legislation introduced this week to reform and strengthen Medicare by eliminating …

Kevin Brady Earns Benjamin Franklin Award

Vows repeal of “Death Tax” Alexandria, VA – Representative Brady has been recognized with a national senior citizen’s award for promising to vote for repeal of the “death tax,” last imposed in …

60 Plus Calls For Investigation Into Cover Oregon Debacle

On behalf of 7.2 million senior supporters across the country, 60 Plus sent letters to Rep. Chaffetz, Rep. Paul Ryan, Rep. Fred Upton, and Sen. Hatch calling on their Committees to investigate …

Florida Bill Would Protect Seniors from EPA Overreach

(Alexandria, Virginia) – The 60 Plus Association, a nonpartisan senior’s advocacy group with more than 800,000 senior supporters in Florida, called on the Florida House Energy and Utilities Subcommittee today to approve …