Energy Bills Impoverish Florida’s Fixed‐Income Seniors

Energy Bills Impoverish Florida’s Fixed‐Income Seniors

Energy, like food and housing, is an indispensable necessity of life. In Florida’s hot climate, air conditioning is essential to the survival of many elderly and infirm citizens. Rising electricity and other …

60 Plus & Gov. Bentley Discuss Negative Impact of EPA Regulations on Alabama’s Seniors

Report finds proposed EPA regulations could raise energy prices by more than 20%
 Montgomery, AL – Governor Robert Bentley joined the 60 Plus Association at the Alabama State Capitol today to unveil …

Energy Bills Challenge Alabama’s Senior Citizens

Energy, like food and housing, is an indispensable necessity of life. In Alabama’s hot climate, air conditioning is essential to the survival of many elderly and infirm citizens. Rising electricity and gasoline …

60 Plus & Rep. Griffith Discuss Negative Impact of EPA Regulations on Seniors

Report finds newly proposed EPA regulations will disproportionately affect our nation’s seniors
 Alexandria, VA – The 60 Plus Association was joined by Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.) and energy economist Gene Trisko at the …

Energy Bills Challenge America’s Fixed-Income Seniors

Energy, like food and housing, is an indispensable necessity of life. Air conditioning, lighting, and heating are critical for the survival of elderly and infirm citizens. High electricity and other energy prices …

New Report: Seniors Will Bear Brunt of Proposed EPA Regulations

Newly proposed regulations will disproportionately affect our nation’s seniors Alexandria, VA – The 60 Plus Association released a report today that found President Obama’s newly proposed EPA regulations would disproportionately affect our …

60 Plus National Energy Study

Energy, like food and housing, is an indispensable necessity of life. Air conditioning, lighting, and heating are essential to American daily life, and are critical for the survival of elderly and infirm …

It’s Time for Congress to Permanently Fix the ‘Doc Fix’

(Alexandria, Virginia) – Originally conceived as a way to help reform the Medicare program in the late 90’s, the SGR formula (SGR) for reducing reimbursements to healthcare providers has caused problems for …

Seniors Group Takes Stand Against ‘Cyberlockers’ Engaged in Widespread Theft on Internet

Nothing more than organized, high-tech theft which hurts our economy and threatens safety and well-being of unsuspecting consumers. (Alexandria, Virginia) – The non-partisan 60 Plus Association, touting more than 7.2 million senior …