Hillary Clinton Caught in Death Tax Hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton Caught in Death Tax Hypocrisy

Leading death tax group calls on Mrs. Clinton to either stop dodging the death tax or support repeal for all Americans. (Alexandria, VA) – In another chapter of Washington’s book titled, “Do …

Seniors Group Opposes Subjecting Online Content to a 1908 Regulatory Regime

(Alexandria, Virginia) — Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the non-partisan, 7.2 million-strong 60 Plus Association, today released the following statement opposing proposals to create a new “first sale” doctrine for online content, …

Obama EPA Rules Will Devastate Seniors

Jim Martin: “Obama’s war on coal is a war on the elderly – his policies will turn off the lights and pull the plug on our nation’s most vulnerable.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — …

Seniors Stand Behind Copyright Alert System, Against Internet Theft

(Alexandria, Virginia) — Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the non-partisan, 7.2 million-strong 60 Plus Association, today released the following statement regarding the near one-year anniversary of the implementation of the Copyright Alert …

VA Problems Entirely Due to Government

Shinseki Resignation Long Overdue Jim Martin – “Government has thrown piles of money at the VA and its horrors have only grown worse.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – Former Marine and current 60 Plus …

60 Plus Monthly Email Update: May 2014

The days are getting longer and politicians are starting to talk a lot faster as we head into the Summer months before the big November election.  So much is at stake this …

Honoring Our Fallen Heroes

(Alexandria, Virginia) – Former Marine and current 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin issued the following statement commemorating Memorial Day: “Today is a solemn day, set aside explicitly to remember the men …

Seniors Group Opposes New EPA Standards That Will Make All Pay More for Utilities

Americans are demanding energy independence that will lead to lower costs and a stronger economy. Sadly, the EPA’s proposals take us in the OPPOSITE direction. (Alexandria, VA) – The 60 Plus Association, …

Seniors Group Commemorates Year Anniversary of Marketplace Fairness Act Passage in Senate

Jim Martin: “Time has now come to pass this bi-partisan legislation through both chambers.” (Alexandria, VA) – The 60 Plus Association, a national non-partisan senior citizens group with over 7.2 million senior …

60 Plus Releases New Ad in Nebraska Senate Race

Sid Dinsdale, In His Own Words, “I Would Always Vote to Raise the Debt Limit” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization with over 7.2 million …