Obama’s New EPA Regulations Are All Pain, No Gain for Struggling Americans

Obama’s New EPA Regulations Are All Pain, No Gain for Struggling Americans

Jim Martin, “Obama offers nothing more than phony rhetoric to push a war on coal, which in reality is a war on seniors, families, jobs, small communities and the free market which …

Taxpayer dollars wasted on mail order drugs

By Jim Martin and David Williams The Hill June 24, 2013 Health care costs are on the rise and this increase will affect employers, employees and taxpayers through Medicare Part D, the …

Seniors Brace for Tropical Storm ‘Obamacare’

Soon to be Hurricane ‘Obamacare’ when the perfect storm of cost, complexity and regulation hits the ground. (Alexandria, Virginia) — Obamacare promises to wreak continued havoc on Americans’ healthcare with news that …

Statement from 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin on Death Tax Repeal Press Conference

Statement from 60 Plus Chairman and Founder Jim Martin at the Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) Death Tax Repeal Press Conference, June 19, 2013 3:00pm, Room S201 Capitol …

Joint letter from conservative leaders to fight for a free and competitive market

June 19, 2013 Dear Member of Congress: For years, we have advocated the need for a free market in sugar and believe that reform proposals put forth must not dismantle U.S. policy …

AARP’s Dirty Secret: They don’t fight for seniors.

Instead of standing up for their members, AARP is fighting alongside the liberal crowd. Listen to 60 Plus’ new radio ad about AARP’s secret liberal agenda. [audio:https://www.60plus.org/files/AARPSecretAgenda.mp3|titles=AARP’s Secret Agenda] [php snippet=1]   …

Zombies And Tombstones Foretell Estate Tax Repeal In 2017

Ashlea Ebeling, Forbes Staff June 6, 2013 The big January tax law made the federal estate tax permanent, but the man who dubbed it the “death tax” is back battling to get …

Mike Gallagher Radio: IRS Targeting Conservative Groups

Nationally syndicated talk show host Mike Gallagher interviews 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin where the pair discusses the IRS targeting conservative groups and their role in implementing Obamacare. Mike Gallagher Show: IRS …

Turn Your Head and Cough Up the Money: The IRS Taxes and Audits Americans’ Healthcare

Jim Martin: “Obamacare will turn every doctor’s office, every hospital, every adult-care facility into a branch office of the IRS.” (Alexandria, Virginia) — The 60 Plus Association, the nation’s largest conservative seniors …

Shameful Democrats Rush to Defense of Their IRS Political Partners

Jim Martin: “Democrats claim to be the party of the little guy, but they’ve been exposed as the party of the giant lie — big government bullies who will use any means …