60 Plus Chairman Praises Curtis Bostic

60 Plus Chairman Praises Curtis Bostic

(Alexandria, VA) – Jim Martin, Chairman and Founder of the 60 Plus Association, today issued a strongly worded endorsement of Curtis Bostic, running against former Governor Mark Sanford, to represent South Carolina’s …

Music Legend Pat Boone Sings Praises of Curtis Bostic

(Alexandria, VA) – Legendary entertainer Pat Boone, spokesman for the 60 Plus Association, a national non-partisan senior citizen’s group, announced today that Curtis Bostic has earned the Honorary Guardian of Seniors’ Rights …

Warning to Lawmakers: Seniors Demand Death Tax Repeal

Jim Martin – “Seniors applaud Senator Thune for his leadership to kill the Death Tax!” Alexandria, VA – Senator John Thune (R-SD) has proposed an amendment to the Senate Budget Resolution submitted …

Mike Gallagher Radio: Impact of a Carbon Tax on Seniors

Nationally syndicated talk show host Mike Gallagher discussed 60 Plus and how a carbon tax would affect seniors. [audio:https://www.60plus.org/files/60-Plus-Association-segment-mg-130321.mp3|titles=Mike Gallagher Show: Effects of a Carbon Tax on Seniors (3/21/2013)]

Seniors Stand with Resolution Against Carbon Tax

(Washington, DC) – The following comments were made by 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder Jim Martin at a press conference today at the House Triangle, in support of a Resolution offered …

Ryan Budget Proposal a Much Needed Rx to Save the Teetering Medicare Program

Jim Martin: We have ample proof that trillion dollar deficits are not the road to prosperity, but the road to ruin.  The Ryan budget plan will save Medicare from the brink, and …

Mike Gallagher Radio: Table Funding for Obamacare

Nationally syndicated talk show host Mike Gallagher discusses tabling funding for Obamacare. [audio:https://www.60plus.org/files/60-Plus-Association-segment-mg-130308.mp3|titles=Mike Gallagher Show: Table Funding for Obamacare (3/8/2013)]

New Obama taxes will torpedo senior health care

Jim Martin Chairman, 60 Plus Association 11:49 AM 03/08/2013 Published via Daily Caller Policy successes in Washington are few and far between these days, so more than ever we pray that our …

Seniors Stand Behind Sen. Ted Cruz’s “Restore Growth First” Amendment

Jim Martin: “Only partially implemented, Obamacare has already proven to be a wrecking ball on our nation’s economy and healthcare system.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – The 60 Plus Association, home to 7.2 million …

60 Plus Quarterly Update

In this issue: 60 Plus Putting the Death Tax in the Crosshairs Tax-Dodger Warren Buffett Trumpets Higher Death Tax for Everyone Else Seniors Stand Against More Debt, For a Balanced Budget Obamacare …