60 Plus urges Virginia to keep tax hikes off the table

60 Plus urges Virginia to keep tax hikes off the table

The 60 Plus Association, which represents over 7 million senior citizens nationwide and almost 160,000 in Virginia, urges the Commonwealth’s legislature to keep all tax hikes off the legislative table. Seniors, families …

Liquefied Natural Gas Exports Seen As Economic Boost for Seniors

(Alexandria, Virginia) – A Congressional hearing on natural gas production prompted the 60 Plus Association, the nation’s largest conservative seniors advocacy group, to reaffirm its support for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, …

Talk is Cheap – But Obama SOTU Costs Americans More with Every Word

60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin: “Another speech of liberal wish-lists, more government, more regulations and no solutions to the problems he’s failed to fix for four years.” (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus …

Keystone XL Pipeline Delay Siphons Money from Seniors’ Pockets

The elderly on fixed and declining incomes are most hurt by Obama decisions to deny additional energy resources for his floundering economy. (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder Jim …

Con Job: Ad in Support of Baucus Continues Fraud on Montana Farmers and Ranchers

Jim Martin, “No one in Montana has done more to keep alive the death tax that destroys family farms and ranches then Senator Max Baucus.  Who does he think he’s fooling?  As …

Older Americans Pole Vault Across Digital Divide

All indications show seniors are embracing new technology like never before. (Alexandria, Virginia) – A recent online survey of senior citizens conducted by the 60 Plus Association corroborates a growing body of …

District of Columbia Makes Big Bucks from Death Tax

Death tax opponent advises taxpayers to move residency and money to one of 34 states with NO punitive death tax, with Virginia being the closest option. (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Association …

Seniors Support Effort to Repeal Obamacare Mandate

Americans prep for ‘sticker shock’ as insurance premiums continue to skyrocket. (Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Association Chairman and Founder Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s acknowledged conservative alternative to the liberal …

AARP serves its bottom line, not Kentucky seniors

By Phil Kerpen and Jim Martin Lexington Herald-Leader The telecommunications market in Kentucky has never been more competitive, with wireless companies vigorously competing over the state’s 3.7 million wireless subscribers. A full …

60 Plus Association Chairman: Obama Goes from “Post-Partisan” to “Most Partisan” President

Jim Martin, “The President says we are ‘one America’ by which he seems to think we are one political party.  Nowhere in his inaugural address was there talk of consensus or solving …