Vigilance & The Untouchables – the FBI’s new/old job!?!

Vigilance & The Untouchables – the FBI’s new/old job!?!

“A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.” – Some Smart Guy “It’s like the Marxists who are telling us that Eastern Europe wasn’t really …

The Chairman’s Blog

HHS Medicare Lab Cuts Threaten Seniors – 60 Plus Calls on Congress to Take Action (Again) In 2014, Congress passed the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA). The Act was intended to, …

60 Plus Association Launches Ad Campaign Asking Republicans: “Will Seniors Across Rural America Be Left Behind in Obamacare Repeal?”

Alexandria, VA –  Today, the 60 Plus Association launched a campaign urging Republicans to protect seniors across rural America by restoring the funds that were cut from Medicare to pay for the …