60 Plus, Leading Senior Citizen Group, Praises Pfizer Prescription Drug Plan

Washington, D.C.– The 60 Plus Association, a half million member senior citizen lobbying group, today called a new Pfizer prescription drug program to be offered at low cost to the 7 million seniors most in need a major step toward solving America’s prescription drug problem.

60 Plus President Jim Martin said, “the program announced today by Pfizer is a major step toward solving this country’s problem of prescription drug coverage for millions of Medicare beneficiaries who do not have any coverage.”

“At 60 Plus, we believe strongly that a senior should not have to choose between food and a needed prescription. We understand, perhaps more clearly than most, that prescription drugs enable seniors to live longer and better, and stay out of hospitals. Those are not just clichés. They are truisms. Companies like Pfizer are leading the way toward solving the prescription drug problem for millions of Americans…and we wholeheartedly commend them.”

Under the Pfizer program, Medicare beneficiaries who lack the resources to be able to pay for their needed drugs themselves will be eligible if their income is below $18,000 (or $24,000 for joint reported income). Unlike other drug cards that offer discounts, the new program provides monthly Pfizer prescriptions for a low, flat fee. Pfizer will be distributing detailed information on the program.
As we understand the program, it will offer some 7 million low income seniors:• a low flat fee for a 30-day Pfizer prescription with all Pfizer drugs available• a simple, easy-to-enroll process• no membership or enrollment fee• acceptance by most retail pharmacies in the U.S.• no limits on the number of prescriptions or products• health information provided at patient’s request.

“This initiative is living proof of Pfizer’s slogan that ‘life is our life’s work.’ On behalf of senior citizens, the 60 Plus Association salutes the Pfizer Company,” Martin emphasized.
