President’s Prescription Drug Plan Endorsed By 60 Plus Association
Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin
The plan touted by President Bush Tuesday is strikingly similar to the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) already enjoyed by some 9 million civil servants and members of Congress.
To quote the President, ‘what is good for public servants, including members of Congress, is good for America’s seniors.’ Further, to paraphrase the President, 60 Plus says: if it’s good enough for Senators, it’s good enough for Seniors.
The President once again is showing leadership in promoting a long-overdue prescription drug benefit for senior. Although some Democrats criticized the President’s plan even before it was unveiled, we commend Senator John Breaux (D-LA) who was Chairman of a bi-partisan Medicare commission a few years ago, and who hailed the President’s new proposal as ‘combining the best of what government can do with the best of what the private sector can do.’
His Louisiana friend, Rep. W.J. “Billy” Tauzin (R-LA) who is Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, praised the President’s plan, declaring there was ‘more we can agree upon right now than disagree.’
The President emphasized that seniors can stay in the current Medicare system.
The President’s plan earmarks $400 billion dollars over 10 years. The plan passed by the House last year called for an estimated $350 billion dollars over 10 years but its passage stalled in the Senate. We urge Congress to move forward in a bi-partisan spirit for long-suffering seniors.