Washington, DC — 60 Plus Association’s dynamic and forever young Honorary Chairman, Roger Zion (R-IN, 1967-75), 84 years old going on 44, moved back to Evansville, Indiana to take life a bit easier. Instead he wrote his fourth book, The Amazing Adventures of Congressman Roger Zion. His previous books were: Keys to Human Relations in Selling, The Hallowed Howls of Congress and The Republican Challenge.
The senior Senator from Indiana, Richard Lugar, wrote the foreword to Roger’s new book. As was the case for his second book, The Hallowed Howls of Congress, Roger did not do an index, prompting Bob Dole to exclaim that you have to read the whole book if you want to discover what Roger has to say about you.
The reception on October 26th at the Capitol Hill Club was the 60 Plus Association’s way to pay tribute to Roger Zion.
Some great stories in Roger’s new book include when President George H. W. Bush came to the Members gym to play paddleball. (The President was a classmate of Roger’s, both elected to the House in 1966, the 90th Congress.) On a disputed foul line shot by the President, Roger shouted “Out.” The President retorted: “If you think that’s out, ask the guys with guns on their hips if it’s out.” Roger promptly gave a “safe” call.
When then Rep. Billy Tauzin of Louisiana introduced Roger to Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, former Governor of Wisconsin, Tauzin called Roger the “worst paddleball player in the gym,” to which Roger retorted. “I beat your (censored).”
But the best may be the reference to Roger’s charging Jane Fonda with treason in 1969 and his subpoena for Fonda to appear before the House Internal Security Committee. The Democrats’ reaction? They abolished the Committee! That’s real hardball.