Press To Open Up The Outer Continental Shelf For Exploration
Jim Martin Addresses Groups In Houston, Norfolk And Atlantic City
“I’m Jim Martin, President of the 60 Plus Association, a 15 year old national senior citizen’s advocacy group. I’m pleased to speak this afternoon on their behalf…about 5 million senior citizens representing every state and every Congressional District in the U.S.
Ladies and gentleman, the message today is simple: Seniors — and for that matter every segment of American society — are painfully witnessing first hand the negligence… quite frankly, the disregard over this nation’s mandate for serious energy exploration.
This nation has the wherewithal to fulfill energy supply right here where we live…but we only seem to be willing to let only the demand increase.
Gasoline to drive our cars, heating oil to keep our homes warm, electricity to power the stores we shop in…everything is on the increase, cost-wise. Senior’s on fixed incomes are the least able to keep up with runaway rising energy costs.
As senior activists, we at 60 Plus are pleased to weigh-in on whatever our supporters tell us is on their minds. They care deeply about Medicare, about prescription drug costs, about their monthly Social Security checks, about the permanent repeal of the confiscatory death tax — but I must say that lately, I’m hearing more and more about their concerns over rising costs of energy.
I’m proud to be working elbow-to-elbow with 60 Plus Co-Chairman, the Honorable Roger Zion from Indiana, who served four terms in the House, 1967-1975. Roger was appointed by then Republican Minority Leader Gerald Ford to be Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Energy in 1973 during the Arab oil embargo. Back when Congressman Zion was in office, foreign oil imports accounted for “just” 37 % of America’s annual total. Today the figure is closer to 60% and rising! In today’s terribly troubled world, Congressman Zion says reliance for energy sources at such levels from outside our borders is not just dangerous, it’s irresponsible.
I’m equally proud to be working with legendary entertainer Pat Boone, the 60 Plus Association’s National Spokesman. Pat recently wrote a wonderful opinion piece entitled “More Oil Than Wisdom.” Pat’s call was then what my call is today — we need more energy sources and more investment in energy infrastructure.
Seniors have long memories. We fondly recall cheap gas and boundless energy supplies. I, for one, am proud to be the son of a Kentucky coal miner and vividly recollect the sight and smell of my dad’s carbide lantern many mornings as he left before dawn for the coal mine. His industry way back then is nearly unrecognizable today. Now, we have sound technologies that ensure energy exploration and production with diminished environmental risk. The $50,000 question is: do we have the will to roll up our sleeves and do it?
I hope so. Seniors hope so.
Let me conclude with a few general remarks.
A. I believe we need all forms of domestic energy that we can produce and this includes coal, natural gas, nuclear and renewables such as wind and solar.
B. Any limits to domestic exploration (whether offshore, drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, etc.) at a time when international supplies are so uncertain is not good for this country. We must wean ourselves from our dependence on unstable foreign oil supplies.
C. In re-assessing this country’s energy policies, 60 Plus, with well over 80% of our supporters veterans of military service, now considers this not only an economic issue but also a national security issue following 9/11 and the brutal war we’re engaged in.
D. I believe the environmental movement, while important, simply
cannot play a stronger role in energy production than it does — and enjoys doing — today. Energy can be produced, responsibly, and I believe it is imperative that we bridge this divide between those who claim the environmental mantle and those who are responsible for providing our energy needs. Maybe it’s about time for the environmentalists and the energy industry to come together and find a common ground…sort of what Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called “détente.”
E. Seniors who support the 60 Plus Association tell me of their difficulty trying to juggle high energy costs with buying food or medicine while on a fixed income. They tell me they have difficulty reconciling the failure of Congress to allow drilling especially in light of the fact that Cuba, under the provisions of a treaty it signed with Mexico and the US, is now developing offshore oil and gas leases only 45 miles from Florida.
Seniors are constantly asking me why we in the United States can’t drill off the coast of Florida, while Communist Cuba is developing their resources. They’re perplexed over why we are not allowed to develop this nation’s resources, but we are out buying energy from other nations. They don’t understand it; but I can tell you, they are upset about it.
In sum, ladies and gentlemen, we need more domestic energy, more sources of domestic energy and senior citizens and all Americans will benefit. On behalf of the 60 Plus Association, I strongly support efforts to ensure reasonable energy prices through access to our nation’s abundant offshore oil and natural gas resources in all areas of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
And we need these measures sooner, not later.
Thank you.”