Seniors Head Laments House Committee On Natural Resources’ Approval Of H.R. 2337

Statement By 60 Plus Association President, James L. Martin

Arlington, VA — “On behalf of senior citizens I am proud to represent from every state in the country, I want to express my dismay over Wednesday’s vote by Congressman Nick Rahall’s (D-WV) committee that I believe will diminish many of the good features of the 2005 Energy Policy Act and will, in my opinion, lead to energy shortages and make life more difficult for seniors on fixed incomes.

“I testified before this committee in late May where I stated, ‘We need to increase domestic supply…that we have a doomsday dependence on foreign energy sources…and that we practice a perverse policy in the U.S., not allowing development of our own resources while other countries dig and drill for theirs, and then we buy from them!’

“For seniors everywhere, I urge the full House later this month NOT to support the committee’s recommendations, NOT to dismantle the core goals of the 2005 Energy Policy Act and NOT to do anything that delays our country from exploring every means available to energy self-sufficiency.”
