Cruz Honored by Senior Citizen Group
Permanent Repeal of Death Tax Draws Citation Alexandria, VA – U.S. Senate candidate Ted Cruz has won the Benjamin Franklin Award because “Mr. Cruz has pledged to vote to repeal the terrible …
60 Plus Monthly Update: Late Summer 2011
In this issue: 60 Plus Takes to the Air with TV Campaign to Save and Preserve Medicare New 60 Plus Web Ad – Forward to Your Friends and Neighbors! Ryan Plan to …
A Death Tax “Compromise”?
Democrats and Republicans compromise on death tax rates for two years (Alexandria, VA) – Yesterday Democrats and Republicans reached a potential agreement on various tax issues. What President Obama failed to emphasize …
The Man Who Put Death Taxes on the Map
by John Gizzi (more by this author) Posted 07/25/2010 A standing-room-only crowd jammed the Liaison Hotel on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on July 15 to honor James L. Martin for his …
Taxes, Taxes And More Taxes
The 60 Plus Association heartily endorses the Republican Study Committee’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
Help Katrina Victims: Abolish Death Tax
Statement By 60 Plus Association President Jim Martin As Estate Tax Repeal Vote Is Postponed: “I believe the Senate was wise to postpone a vote on repeal of the death tax.”
To The House Of Lords: Kill The Death Tax
Today, the U.S. Senate is poised to either drive a stake through the heart of the most confiscatory tax ever enacted or to go wobbly and allow this cruel, job-robbing, anti-growth estate tax to live on in infamy.
Seniors Salute Sessions
Senior citizens salute Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and the more than 20 co-sponsors he has for the Jobs Protection and Estate Tax Reform Act of 2005.
Super Rich Nonsense
Super Rich Nonsense by Pat Boone: “I don’t have a problem with super-wealthy people using their money to influence the political process. Have at it. But they ought to be straight with us: If Bill Gates, Warren Buffett or “the fabulously wealthy” Teresa Heinz take a certain position on legislation, they ought to make it clear whether they will personally benefit in some way.”